
    2022’s Top 20 Players List from Around the World

    #1: GEN Ruler: The Reigning King of ADCs

    GenG’s Ruler claims the top spot on this list as the best ADC in the world. Known for his exceptional teamfighting skills, Ruler has achieved a level of precision and mastery that is unparalleled. His ability to manage cooldowns, select targets, and position himself is nothing short of extraordinary.

    Ruler has been the driving force behind GenG’s dominance this split, earning the title of LCK MVP and leading his team to a domestic championship. He is widely regarded as the best teamfighter in the world, making him a formidable threat in any 5v5 situation.

    Despite the differences in the current meta compared to when he won his first World Championship, the strategy remains the same – play around Ruler at all costs. GenG prioritizes the bot lane, and Ruler’s prowess in teamfighting makes him their primary win condition.

    If his team were to secure another World Championship, Ruler would be a strong contender for a second World Finals MVP, a feat that no other player has achieved in the history of League of Legends esports.

    Strengths: Exceptional teamfighting, Strong laning, Versatility in champion pool
    Weaknesses: Less aggressive playstyle
    Key picks: Zeri

    #2: JDG Yagao: The Silent Challenger

    Surprising to some, JDG’s Yagao secures the second spot on this list as one of the strongest mid laners in the world. Yagao has had a career-defining playoff run, showcasing his versatility and talent across different playstyles and champion picks.

    While he may not possess the same laning prowess as some of his counterparts, such as Chovy, Yagao compensates with his ability to excel on low resource mid laners, providing JDG with increased drafting flexibility and power, especially when paired with carry jungler Kanavi.

    Yagao’s recent performances have been nothing short of impressive, making him one of the primary reasons JDG secured their championship victory. In a series of ten games against his childhood friend Knight, Yagao was able to outperform and even outshine his Korean counterpart.

    His versatility, high game IQ, and engaging plays make Yagao a force to be reckoned with. While he can be inconsistent at times, his current form suggests that he is a strong contender for the title of the world’s best mid laner.

    Strengths: Exceptional versatility, High game IQ, Strong engage
    Weaknesses: Streaky performances, Potential decline in Worlds form
    Key picks: Taliyah, Ahri

    #3: TES Tian: The Unstoppable Early Game

    Taking the third spot on this list is Top Esports’ Tian, often regarded as the best jungler in the world. Tian had an extraordinary split that earned him the MVP award in LPL Summer 2022.

    With a favorable meta suited to his style, Tian became a highly influential early game powerhouse, effectively facilitating his carries and decimating opposing teams before the 15-minute mark. His exceptional pathing and ability to predict dives and ganks complemented his laners’ aggression, making Top Esports one of the strongest early game teams in the world.

    Strengths: Exceptional ganking ability
    Weaknesses: Vulnerable to farming-heavy jungle metas
    Key pick: Trundle

    #4: GEN Chovy: The Virtuoso of League

    At the fourth position is GenG’s Chovy, often hailed as one of the best mid laners in the world. Chovy is renowned for his unrivaled laning prowess, establishing himself as the greatest laner in the history of League of Legends.

    Chovy finally secured an LCK championship after multiple attempts, gaining recognition for his flawless mechanics and exceptional versatility. While he excels on hard-scaling mid laners that leverage his mechanical skill, Chovy may face challenges if the meta shifts towards roaming-style mid laners.

    Perfect play isn’t the sole determinant of winning championships, as Chovy discovered. Despite his extraordinary laning and versatility, Chovy’s impact in high-stakes situations can be underwhelming, especially on low resource mid champions. Nevertheless, his talent and skill make him a formidable opponent.

    Strengths: Unparalleled laning, Strong versatility
    Weaknesses: Lack of clutch performance, Struggles with low resource champions
    Key picks: Azir, Akali

    #5: EDG Viper: The Unstoppable Force

    EDG’s Viper claims the fifth spot on this list as one of the strongest bot laners in the world. Since his import from Korea, Viper has been an unstoppable force, excelling in laning, teamfighting, and positioning.

    Viper’s performance consistently demonstrates mastery across all aspects of the ADC role. His abilities in laning, teamfighting, and positioning are exceptional, showcasing unparalleled talent and versatility. Despite failing to clinch the summer title, Viper remains the best bot laner in China.

    EDG relies heavily on Viper’s prowess to potentially become the first team since SKT to win back-to-back World Championships. With his leadership, EDG’s chances of securing another victory are not out of reach.

    Strengths: Exceptional teamfighting, Strong laning, Versatility in champion pool, Ability to play non-ADCs
    Weaknesses: None
    Key pick: Aphelios

    #6: JDG Kanavi: The Jungle Carry Extraordinaire

    Jungle powerhouse Kanavi of JDG secures the sixth spot on this list. His exceptional performance during the playoffs was instrumental in JDG’s comebacks against TOP, showcasing his skill as a carry jungler and effective ganker.

    Kanavi’s ability to balance carrying with effective ganking makes him nearly unbeatable when he is having a good game. He displays remarkable intelligence in teamfights, strategically positioning himself in pockets of vision to take down vulnerable enemies and quickly turn the tide in favor of JDG.

    Strengths: Exceptional carry jungler, Versatility, Strong engage, Effective ganker
    Weaknesses: Occasional failed picks like Bel’Veth
    Key picks: Vi, Kindred, Karthus, Bel’Veth

    #7: JDG Hope: The Rising Star

    Rising star Hope from JDG secures the seventh spot on this list as a formidable bot laner. His performance during the LPL playoffs was spectacular, surpassing revered ADCs like JackeyLove through his impressive laning and teamfighting.

    Hope possesses razor-sharp intuition, striking a balance between aggressive and cautious play. His performance suggests that he is a force to be reckoned with, potentially even the best bot laner at the tournament. Fans who may be unfamiliar with Hope will likely find themselves pleasantly surprised by his exceptional skill and capabilities.

    Strengths: Exceptional teamfighting, Strong laning
    Weaknesses: None
    Key pick: Lucian

    #8: JDG Yagao: The Silent Challenger

    Surprising to some, JDG’s Yagao secures the eighth spot on this list as one of the strongest mid laners in the world. Yagao has had a career-defining playoff run, showcasing his versatility and talent across different playstyles and champion picks.

    While he may not possess the same laning prowess as some of his counterparts, such as Chovy, Yagao compensates with his ability to excel on low resource mid laners, providing JDG with increased drafting flexibility and power, especially when paired with carry jungler Kanavi.

    Yagao’s recent performances have been nothing short of impressive, making him one of the primary reasons JDG secured their championship victory. In a series of ten games against his childhood friend Knight, Yagao was able to outperform and even outshine his Korean counterpart.

    His versatility, high game IQ, and engaging plays make Yagao a force to be reckoned with. While he can be inconsistent at times, his current form suggests that he is a strong contender for the title of the world’s best mid laner.

    Strengths: Exceptional versatility, High game IQ, Strong engage
    Weaknesses: Streaky performances, Potential decline in Worlds form
    Key picks: Taliyah, Ahri

    #9: GEN Peanut: The Reliable Early Game Force

    Claiming the ninth spot on this list is GenG’s Peanut, known for his impressive early game performances. Peanut had one of the best splits of his career, showcasing his prowess on champions like Poppy and Trundle.

    As an engine of early game dominance, Peanut excels at setting up his laners to succeed. He has been crucial in bridging the gap between GenG’s laning phase and their item spikes, allowing his teammates to become virtually invincible as a team.

    Strengths: Exceptional early game pressure, Effective on summer meta junglers
    Weaknesses: Potentially struggles with farming-focused jungle metas, May appear stronger due to strong laners
    Key pick: Poppy

    #10: TES Knight: The Dynamic Mid Lane Talent

    Taking the tenth spot on this list is Top Esports’ Knight, a highly talented mid laner. Considered one of the best Chinese-born players of all time, Knight has garnered significant attention for his exceptional Sylas play, resulting in a staggering 48% ban rate against him.

    Knight’s versatility and carry potential make him an invaluable asset to Top Esports. However, he faced lukewarm performances in pivotal games against JDG and Yagao during the playoffs, struggling on low resource picks towards the end.

    While Knight excels on melee playmaking champions, he has shown some struggles on other picks. The playoffs have raised concerns about his form heading into Worlds, and only time will tell how he will perform on the international stage.

    Ranked at the tenth spot, Knight typically belongs higher but may face challenges to maintain his position due to recent performance dips.

    Strengths: Exceptional Sylas player, Exceptional teamfighter, Strong laner, Great roamer, Broad champion pool
    Weaknesses: Struggled on low resource picks towards the end of the split, Lukewarm playoffs
    Key pick: Sylas

    (Note: The following list is a continuation of the original article.

    #11: RNG Breathe: The Underrated Titan
    RNG’s Breathe takes the eleventh spot on this list as one of the most underrated top laners. While he wasn’t able to participate in RNG’s MSI run, Breathe made a strong comeback during the summer split, maintaining his world-class level of performance. As a top laner, Breathe is equally proficient on tanks and carries, showcasing exceptional versatility. Although his team doesn’t play around him as much as they should, Breathe remains a formidable player.
    Strengths: Exceptional teamfighter, Solid laner, Versatile champion pool
    Weaknesses: Limited support from team
    Key Pick: Akali

    #12: RGE Comp: The Western Vanguard
    Rogue’s Comp claims the twelfth spot as the highest-ranked Western player on this list. His performance during the LEC playoffs, including winning the Finals MVP, solidified his position as a teamfighting monster. With improved laning due to his support’s excellence on enchanters, Comp has become the defining win condition for Rogue. His exceptional performance against G2 in the Finals displayed his near-perfect gameplay, culminating in Rogue’s first ever championship victory.
    Strengths: Exceptional teamfighter, Great laner
    Weaknesses: First appearance at Worlds
    Key Pick: Caitlyn

    #13: JDG Missing: The Silent Storm
    JDG’s Missing claims the thirteenth spot on this list as the highest-ranked support player. Missing has played a pivotal role in JDG’s journey to the championship, particularly through his proficiency on enchanters. Notably, he displays exceptional accuracy with ultimate abilities, making crucial plays in crucial moments across the map. Missing’s prudence with ultimate spells was a key factor in JDG’s comeback against TOP in the playoffs.
    Strengths: Best Nami player in the world, Excels on enchanters, Strong teamfighter, Solid laner
    Weaknesses: Not known for engage supports
    Key Pick: Nami

    #14: T1 Zeus: The Prodigy
    T1’s Zeus claims the fourteenth spot on this list as a prodigious player who has kept T1 afloat amidst a tumultuous season. Regarded as the best Jayce player in the world, Zeus’s exceptional laning and ability to function as a weakside player allows T1 to pivot into top-focused drafts. However, T1’s failure to fully utilize Zeus’s strengths, as seen in their decision to put him on Ornn duty during the finals, has hindered their success.
    Strengths: Best Jayce player in the world, Exceptional laner
    Weaknesses: Team doesn’t play around him enough
    Key pick: Jayce

    #15: TES Wayward: The Enigmatic Rookie
    TES Wayward, the 2022 LPL Spring Rookie of the Split, claims the fifteenth spot on this list. Known for his flashy mechanics and cocky playstyle, Wayward is a sensational top laner who is set to turn heads at Worlds. While he may need further development to gain experience and shed some of his rookie naivety, his raw talent and ability to dominate the game when playing on the strong side make him a formidable opponent for any team.
    Strengths: Great laner, Great teamfighter
    Weaknesses: Overly aggressive playstyle, Lack of experience, First appearance at Worlds
    Key Picks: Gnar, Irelia

    #16: TES JackeyLove: The Aggressive Menace
    TES JackeyLove takes the sixteenth spot on this list, showcasing his prowess as an aggressive laner. Known for his consistent laning proficiency, JackeyLove remains one of the best ADCs in the tournament. Despite his growth as a teamfighter and his ability to clutch out important teamfights, JackeyLove is still prone to risky positioning and occasional reckless plays. Nevertheless, his monster laning abilities and versatile champion pool make him a significant threat to the enemy team.
    Strengths: Monster laner, Versatile champion pool
    Weaknesses: Susceptible to random deaths, Aggressive positioning in teamfights
    Key pick: Draven

    #17: RNG Xiaohu: The Tactical Player
    RNG Xiaohu claims the seventeenth spot on this list as an underrated player known for his tactical playstyle. While he may not possess the same mechanical brilliance as other GOAT contenders, Xiaohu has demonstrated his ability to recognize and play to win conditions. His return from winning MSI was decisive, securing a spot at Worlds following a series against DoinB’s LNG. Although he may struggle in high-skill matchups and excel in a more supportive role, Xiaohu’s versatility and competence across a wide range of champions and playstyles make him a formidable player.
    Strengths: High game IQ, Versatile playstyle, Win condition assessment
    Weaknesses: Mediocre laning, Struggles against highly skilled opponents
    Key picks: Galio, Taliyah

    #18: RNG GALA: The PentaKing
    RNG GALA secures the eighteenth spot on this list. Known as the PentaKing for his exceptional performance at MSI, GALA had a consistent season following his victory. While his Lucian play during the summer split was fearsome, he displayed lukewarm performance on other champions during the LPL playoffs. GALA remains a top-tier teamfighter and is considered the greatest Kai’Sa player of all time. However, his laning has room for improvement and he has occasionally struggled against players ranked lower on this list.
    Strengths: Top-tier teamfighter, Monster Lucian, Best Kai’Sa player of all time
    Weaknesses: Subpar laning
    Key picks: Kai’Sa

    #19: MAD UNF0RGIVEN: The Potential Unleashed
    MAD’s UNF0RGIVEN claims the nineteenth spot on this list as one of the standout players to watch. He played multiple meta ADCs during the summer split and demonstrated his versatility, laning prowess, and teamfighting abilities. UNF0RGIVEN’s season was unfortunately cut short due to shortcomings from his solo laners in the playoffs. Nevertheless, he has the potential to make a name for himself by showcasing his skills against Asian counterparts at this tournament.
    Strengths: Ability to play every ADC in the meta, Strong laning, Great teamfighting
    Weaknesses: First appearance at Worlds, First time playing against teams from the East
    Key pick: Twitch

    #20: C9 Berserker: From Apprentice to Master
    C9 Berserker claims the twentieth spot on this list as the only NA player included. Despite being a Korean import, Berserker’s exceptional performance throughout the year culminated in a championship victory for Cloud9. As the former understudy to T1’s Gumayusi, Berserker has proven to be superior to other bot laners in the NA region, carrying Cloud9 to their first championship in a while with his exceptional teamfight positioning. It’s important to note that Berserker’s success may be influenced by the lower competition level in NA.
    Strengths: Very good teamfighter
    Weaknesses: Potential to appear better due to weaker competition
    Key pick: Aphelios

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