
    A Sneak Peek into Mina the Hollower – Reviving the Game Boy Era with a Promising Love Letter

    Saying Goodbye to Retro Love Letters: Mina the Hollower Offers More Than Just Nostalgia

    In today’s games industry, it seems like retro love letters are a dime a dozen. From games that closely mimic their source material to ones that expand upon earlier concepts, nostalgic experiences are everywhere. Yacht Club Games, however, has emerged as a leader in this trend with their hit game Shovel Knight. Now, they’re back with Mina the Hollower, a game that may look like a faithful homage to The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, but offers much more than just nostalgic play.

    Faithful Homage with a Twist

    Mina the Hollower utilizes Game Boy Color-style graphics, drawing immediate comparisons to titles like Link’s Awakening – and that’s intentional. The team behind the game has a strong affection for games from that era and wears its inspiration on its sleeve. The combat initially feels similar, with a top-down adventure filled with monsters, puzzles, and challenging locales. But Mina, the game’s protagonist, brings a unique gameplay mechanic to the table.

    Burrowing Adds a New Dimension

    Mina can dig and burrow beneath the ground – a core gameplay move that sets her apart from other top-down action heroes. This burrowing mechanic serves multiple purposes, from avoiding enemies to getting past low obstacles. It even allows Mina to fly forward for extra distance on her jump. Mastering this mechanic becomes essential for meaningful progress in the game. Fortunately, it’s intuitive and well-integrated into the game’s design.

    Nods to Other Influences

    While Mina the Hollower pays homage to Link’s Awakening, it also shares similarities with Bloodborne. In addition to choosing your weapon – which includes nimble daggers, a Castlevania-style whip, or a heavy hammer – you also carry healing vials and collectible Trinkets to strengthen your character. These Trinkets offer various stat buffs and abilities, such as increased defense or summoning a spider to create a web bridge. Experimenting with these elements allows players to find their preferred play style.

    Leveling Up and Exploration

    As players collect bones, they level up and can upgrade Mina’s stats. Balancing bones as currency and experience points becomes crucial. Mina the Hollower rewards exploration, offering bones, Trinkets, and side weapons as rewards for venturing off the beaten path. Players must carefully manage their secondary weapons, such as throwing axes or knives, as they have limited ammunition.

    Clever Healing Mechanics

    The healing vials in Mina the Hollower are limited and require strategy. Instead of fully replenishing health, they only fill the yellow portion of the health bar, which is gained by dealing damage. Players must go on the offensive to refill the yellow portion before using a vial to get the most out of it. Checkpoints provide opportunities to replenish health and vials, allowing players to strategically pace their heals.

    A Fresh Experience with a Nostalgic Feel

    Even without a nostalgic affinity for Game Boy-style visuals, Mina the Hollower offers a fresh gaming experience. The mechanics, inspired by various sources, create something unique yet reminiscent of games from decades past. While Yacht Club Games made a name for themselves with Shovel Knight, Mina the Hollower may just cement their status as a studio producing iconic characters. Though a release date is uncertain, the game is worth the wait for those eager to dive into its nostalgic yet innovative world.

    For more on Mina the Hollower, check out our documentary on the making of the game here. For more of the best games from PAX West 2023, head here.

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