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    LudoNarraCon 2024: Applications Now Open for Exhibitors and Speakers

    LudoNarraCon, the renowned narrative-focused games industry event, is set to make a comeback in 2024. Taking place from May 9 to 13, the event is now open for applications from those wishing to exhibit or speak at the show. Organized by Fellow Traveller, LudoNarraCon has become a staple among the gaming community, celebrating its fifth anniversary earlier this year.

    A Successful Year for LudoNarraCon

    Founder Chris Wright expressed his excitement about the growth and success of LudoNarraCon, stating, “We had more support from Steam, more featuring support on the front page. I think we had 30% or 40% more traffic than we’d had in previous years – all the numbers [went] up, all the devs [were] very happy. I think we’re just established now.” The event received a staggering 500 to 600 applications for the limited 50 spots, highlighting its popularity and the challenge of selecting participants.

    A Spotlight on Narrative Games

    In a crowded events calendar, LudoNarraCon stands out by focusing on a small number of developers and their narrative games. Wright explains, “There’s a limit of attention with digital festivals, unfortunately. Some of them have got like 2,000 games in… What we try to do is keep it tight, which means some people can’t participate, but the ones that are in know they are going to get a spotlight shined on them.” This approach aims to give narrative games the attention they deserve without being overshadowed by other events.

    Plans for a Richer Experience in 2024

    Looking ahead to the 2024 edition, Wright’s team is focused on enhancing the overall experience for attendees. He acknowledges the challenge of distinguishing between those who fully engage with the event and those who visit briefly, stating, “It’s about how to give [people] a deeper experience while still showcasing to that really large number that comes through the door.” Finding the right balance will ensure that LudoNarraCon continues to provide value to both developers and attendees.

    Fellow Traveller’s Unique Journey

    While LudoNarraCon has gained significant attention, Fellow Traveller is also a notable indie publisher. However, Wright admits that the company has experienced an atypical year with a lighter release schedule. The publisher has signed nine games for the future but has faced delays, leading to a period without any new signings. Despite this, Wright remains optimistic and welcomes the growth of indie publishers, believing that more funding and support for developers is beneficial for the industry.

    Reviving the Australian Gaming Scene

    Fellow Traveller’s origins lie in the revival of the Australian gaming industry after the global financial crisis. Wright started the company after being laid off by THQ and recognized the opportunity to support the growing number of indie developers in Australia. The company initially focused on publishing Australian games but eventually shifted its focus to narrative-driven titles. Fellow Traveller aims to push storytelling forward in games by showcasing new voices and supporting developers who are pushing boundaries with their narratives.

    Indie Publishers: Collaboration over Competition

    As the indie publishing space continues to grow, Wright expresses a cooperative approach among publishers. Fellow Traveller has collaborated with other publishers to share advice and support one another. Wright emphasizes that the real competition comes from larger publishers, and the challenges for indie publishers lie in sustaining success in an increasingly competitive market. However, he welcomes the rise of new publishers, recognizing the positive impact they can have on funding and support for developers.

    Australian Game Industry: Strong Government Support

    Despite the challenges faced by the industry, Wright highlights the increasing support from the Australian government. Funding from organizations like Screen Australia has been restored, and various states have also increased their support for game development. This positive environment has led to the creation of successful titles such as “Cult of the Lamb” and “Unpacking,” showcasing the talent and potential of Australian developers.

    In conclusion, LudoNarraCon’s return in 2024 promises to continue its tradition of spotlighting narrative-driven games. Fellow Traveller’s journey as an indie publisher reflects the growth and challenges of the industry, with a focus on supporting new voices and pushing storytelling boundaries. With strong government support and a cooperative approach among publishers, the Australian gaming scene is set to thrive further.

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