
    Assassin’s Creed Enthusiast Embarks on Global Journey to Real-Life Game Locations

    The Ultimate Assassin’s Creed World Tour: Exploring Real-Life Locations in the Games

    A Journey of History and Adventure

    In the world of gaming, the Assassin’s Creed series is renowned for its breathtaking depiction of real-life locations. The conflict between the Templars and Assassins takes players on a thrilling journey to iconic landmarks that hold significant historical value. One devoted fan of the series recently embarked on a remarkable adventure, traveling around the globe to visit these virtual destinations in person.

    A Reddit user, known as GenericReditUserName, delighted the community by sharing a collection of photos from their world tour to countries featured in various Assassin’s Creed games. The Imgur gallery showcased side-by-side comparisons of the real locations and their rendering in the games. The astonishing accuracy and attention to detail in replicating these landmarks in the virtual world left everyone in awe. From the Great Pyramid of Khufu in AC: Origins to the Cathedral of Santa Maria in Assassin’s Creed 2, GenericReditUserName had the privilege of exploring these incredible settings firsthand.

    The pyramids of Giza. Image by GenericReditUserName.

    When asked about their love for history and Assassin’s Creed, GenericReditUserName explained, “I’ve always been a history enthusiast, so naturally, the AC series just fit right into my passion for learning about the past. I always wanted to see these places in real life and thought after playing the games, seeing some of these places up close would be the ultimate way to experience the actual history that took place there.”

    Astonishment and Admiration from the Gaming Community

    The Reddit post garnered immense admiration from fellow users, who marveled at the idea of embarking on a world tour to visit the various Assassin’s Creed locations. One user expressed, “This could be the trip of a lifetime for some people. Good for you, man. This is awesome!” Many commenters were astonished by GenericReditUserName’s ability to visit numerous locations and capture stunning real-life comparisons to their virtual counterparts in the games.

    There is a dual shot of the Colossi of Memnon statues. One is in real life while the other is from the game.
    The Colossi of Memnon. Image by GenericReditUserName

    Another Reddit user commented, “This is high-quality posting, very nice! I’ve always wondered how a lot of these places compare in real life. Some of them are stunningly accurate! I hope for your sake (and ours) that you get to do more locations.”

    An Unforgettable Summer Journey

    GenericReditUserName revealed that their world tour was part of their summer plan to retrace as many real-world locations from the games as possible. Capturing images of these locations from the exact perspectives seen in the games and comparing them was a pivotal part of their adventure. In the Imgur album shared on Reddit, GenericReditUserName accompanied each image with comments about their experiences and the process of capturing these breathtaking locations. They highlighted the striking resemblance in color and condition between the real structures and their virtual counterparts. The dedication even extended to recreating iconic shots, such as riding on horseback near the Pyramid of Giza.

    Assassin’s Creed Enthusiast Embarks on Global Journey to Real-Life Game Locations - REALM RUSH
    Saint Mark’s Campanile of Saint Marks Basilica. Image by GenericReditUserName

    GenericReditUserName acknowledged the overwhelming positive response to their Reddit post, stating, “I thought it was the perfect opportunity to show the gaming community how much effort goes into recreating these places in a game. And hopefully inspire others to learn, visit, and discover our past through the games or IRL.”

    A Passionate Writer and Gaming Enthusiast

    Assassin’s Creed Enthusiast Embarks on Global Journey to Real-Life Game Locations - REALM RUSH

    Jakejames Lugo

    Jakejames Lugo is a writer and creator with over a decade of experience covering video games, movies, and entertainment. He has published numerous articles across various platforms and regularly produces content on YouTube and TikTok. Through social media, Jakejames continues to share daily gaming-related content for enthusiasts to enjoy.

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