
    Blizzard Eliminates Diablo 4 Season 2 Video Riddled with Significant Errors

    Diablo 4 Season 2 Video Pulled After Factual Inaccuracies Discovered

    Blizzard’s recent attempt to promote the upcoming Diablo 4 Season 2 through a video has backfired as numerous mistakes were spotted, resulting in the video being removed from the company’s social channels. This comes as Blizzard finds itself under the ownership of Microsoft following the completion of its deal with Activision Blizzard King. The video, originally shared on Twitter/X, aimed to highlight the changes in Season 2 that players can expect with the launch of Diablo IV Season of Blood. However, the video’s inaccuracies have led to its removal.

    Season 2 of Diablo 4 Brings Exciting Changes and Additional Content

    The start date for the highly anticipated Diablo 4 Season 2 is just around the corner, and it promises to introduce deadly Vampiric Powers in the Season of Blood. Following a relatively quiet first season, fans of this popular RPG game can expect many of the changes they have been asking for in the second season. Additionally, Blizzard plans to add new and exciting content to keep players engaged. Unfortunately, the company’s latest attempt to sell Season 2 has fallen short.

    Blizzard’s Mistakes in the Promotion Video

    The official Diablo account on Twitter/X posted a message inviting players to check out the “best quality-of-life changes coming with Season of Blood.” Accompanying this message was a one minute and 40-second video showcasing some of the upcoming changes. However, popular Diablo Twitch streamer Ryan ‘Raxxanterax’ S pointed out several factual inaccuracies in a humorous video, ultimately leading to the video’s removal.

    Raxxanterax couldn’t contain his laughter even before the video started. He gave some “constructive feedback” and suggested that Blizzard needed to improve its selling techniques. One of the mistakes identified was a ‘before and after’ comparison of a Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeon’s appearance in Season 1 and Season 2. However, the video mistakenly listed the new Season 2 layout as the ‘before’ image and the old one as the ‘after.’

    Another bewildering error was made in a demonstration of experience gains. The video presented incorrect mathematical calculations that didn’t align with the actual values promised for the Season of Blood. In the ‘before’ section, the video stated that 1,000 XP multiplied by a 40% bonus equaled 1,040 XP (when it should have been 1,400). In the ‘after’ section, the video switched from percentages to decimals and stated that 1,000 XP multiplied by two separate bonuses of 1.2x would give you 1,400 XP (when it should have totaled 1,440).

    Diablo 4 Season 2 changes - Video from Blizzard showing Diablo IV Season of Blood changes with some incorrect calculations.

    Furthermore, the video attempted to showcase new mount speed adjustments but kept the character centered on both clips, making it difficult to determine the actual speed increase. Overall, the video was bizarre, and it’s surprising that these factual inaccuracies made it to the final posted version without detection.

    Despite Mistakes, Excitement for Season 2 Remains

    Despite the video’s blunders, there is still excitement surrounding the launch of Season 2. Raxxanterax, who has been experimenting with the best Diablo 4 builds in preparation for the season, expressed his enthusiasm but ironically signed off with a sarcastic, “I’m feeling very hype for the season now,” as the video ended.

    Diablo 4 Coming to Steam

    Diablo 4’s arrival on Steam also raises questions about its compatibility with the Steam Deck and how it performs on Valve’s handheld device. Additionally, we have ranked the best Diablo 4 classes to help players decide which class to start the new season with.

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