
    Craft World’s International Expo on the Hypergrid begins on Friday – Hypergrid Business

    Hypergrid International Expo 2023: Celebrating Diversity in OpenSim

    Event Overview

    This year’s Hypergrid International Expo (HIE) is set to kick off on Friday, October 6 at 11 a.m. Pacific Time. The event will take place at the HIE’s Auditorium on Craft World grid and will run through Saturday and Sunday, September 8. Open to all hypergrid visitors, the expo will showcase the diversity and various cultures in OpenSim. You can also catch the live broadcast of the event on the HIE YouTube channel.

    Opening Party and Unique Music Stage

    The opening party of HIE will feature music performances by Zoree Jupiter at 11 a.m., Arianna Nightfire at 1 p.m., and Forest Azure at 10 p.m. Pacific Time. These artists will entertain the audience on a unique music stage designed by Nyx Breen, with a theme of crosswords in all languages.

    Exhibitions, Art, Music, and Speakers

    HIE will host over 70 exhibition booths spread across three OpenSim regions. The booths will showcase the work of various individuals, including grid and region owners, OpenSim creators, and artists. Visitors can explore different exhibitions to learn about grids and regions, discover ongoing projects, collect freebies and souvenirs, and engage with exhibitors.

    In addition to exhibitions, HIE will also feature art performances and live music at the Auditorium, which spans four sims. Range Darkstone, Lampithaler Artist, CapCat Ragu, Tosha Tyran, and Cherry Manga are among the artists scheduled to perform.

    The event will host speakers from different OpenSim grids who will address a wide range of topics, from their experiences in OpenSim to technical tricks with scripting. The presentations will be delivered in five languages—French, German, Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish. However, subtitles will be provided in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish for non-native speakers.

    Getting Involved

    To teleport to different regions and join the festivities, head to the Welcome region of Craft World grid. The hypergrid address for the Welcome Center is Welcome. For the Auditorium, use the address 4. The other areas dedicated to the event can be reached using the addresses 2 and 3.

    This event is made possible by the efforts of dedicated organizers, including Mal Burns, James Atlloud, Kelso Uxlay, Tosha Tyran, and Thirza Ember. Numerous volunteers, such as the streaming and filming team, translators team, booth makers, admins, greeters, speakers, planning committee, and performers, contribute to the success of the expo.

    Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to experience the diverse and vibrant world of OpenSim at the Hypergrid International Expo 2023!

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