
    English Guide: Locating Zevlor in Baldur’s Gate 3

    Unveiling the Elusive Location of Zevlor in Baldur’s Gate 3: A Hero’s Quest

    Embark on a thrilling adventure as the valiant protagonist of Baldur’s Gate 3, where you will find yourself on numerous daring rescue missions while contending with the enigmatic tadpole residing within your brain. As you progress through Act 2 of this captivating RPG, a distressing reality unfolds – Zevlor, along with other tieflings, has fallen victim to the clutches of the nefarious Absolute. Now, it falls upon us to save them and liberate them from their harrowing fate.

    Preparation is Key: Getting Ready to Locate Zevlor

    Your journey to find Zevlor commences in Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3, right after you arrive at the Last Light Inn. Engage in conversations with fellow tieflings, and the shocking truth about Zevlor’s capture by the cult of the absolute starts to unravel. Reportedly, he stoically froze and attempted to surrender…

    Note: To undertake and complete this quest during Act 2, it is crucial that you have previously rescued the tieflings in Druids Grove.

    Zevlor’s whereabouts lead us to Moonrise Towers, a foreboding place of imprisonment and darkness. However, reaching him requires us to initiate an assault on the towers. Prior to embarking on this mission, ensure that you have wrapped up any pending tasks or objectives at the Last Light Inn or Reithwin Town.

    Furthermore, it is essential to have already rescued the tieflings incarcerated in the prison, as they meet an unfortunate demise before our attack on Moonrise Towers begins. Additionally, before commencing the assault and confronting Ketheric Thorm, you must explore the Gauntlet of Shar and locate the Nightsong.

    With all necessary arrangements in place, we can finally commence our search for Zevlor.

    Unmasking the Hiding Place of Zevlor in Baldur’s Gate 3

    First and foremost, make your way to Moonrise Towers and join forces with Jaheira and the Harpers to launch the assault.

    Your mission entails eliminating Disciple Z’rell, advancing through the tower, and overcoming the initial phase of the Ketheric Thorm boss fight. Should you encounter difficulties, rest assured, for we have a comprehensive guide on how to vanquish Ketheric Thorm!

    Upon completing the first phase, a chasm will appear, serving as a passageway to the Mind Flayer Colony. Dive fearlessly into its depths. Zevlor awaits within the Tadpoling Center, ensnared within a pod alongside numerous other unfortunate captives.

    Embark on a perilous journey through the chasm to reach the Mind Flayer Colony. | Image credit: Larian/VG247

    From the entrance of the Mind Flayer Colony, take the first Flesh Wrought Door on your left to access the Tapoling Center. The doors on the right lead to the morgue, which can be explored later. For now, our priority lies in rescuing Zevlor.

    By engaging with the buttons beneath the pods, you can unravel the memories of their inhabitants. Once prepared, interact with the Neural Apparatus present in the room and select ‘release them’.

    The player interacts with a Neural Apparatus in the Mind Flayer Colony in Baldur's Gate 3, and Lae'zel isn't happy about it
    Release them if you wish to safeguard Zevlor’s life! | Image credit: Larian/VG247

    Zevlor, along with the rest of the captives, will be liberated. However, it is crucial to note that some captives may have already succumbed to the twisted transformation into Mind Flayers. As a result, a fierce battle awaits in order to successfully conclude the quest.

    Post-battle, engage in conversation with Zevlor. He will express his gratitude, and you can then request his assistance in the impending fight. Although there is a risk of him perishing while aiding us, if you desire an additional companion by your side, do not hesitate to ask!

    Alternatively, Zevlor can return to the Last Light Inn with the other tieflings. Now, the time has come for you to confront and overcome Ketheric Thorm. Yet, do not forget to explore the remaining sections of the Mind Flayer Colony – who knows whom else you may encounter?

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