
    English Guide: Mastering the Art of Pickpocketing in Assassin’s Creed Mirage

    How to Pickpocket in Assassin’s Creed Mirage

    Being an assassin in Assassin’s Creed Mirage is an exhilarating experience that goes beyond just stealthy assassinations. To survive in 9th Century Baghdad, Basim often finds himself relying on his skills as a former street thief, including the art of pickpocketing.

    Pickpocketing innocent civilians not only adds to the immersiveness of the game but also rewards you handsomely. In this article, we will guide you on how to master the art of pickpocketing in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.

    Learning the Basics of Pickpocketing

    Assassin’s Creed Mirage introduces pickpocketing in the game’s prologue. In case you need a refresher, the first step is to activate Basim’s Eagle Vision and look for small, shiny pouches hanging from the belts of nearby non-playable characters (NPCs).

    Find a target and approach them from behind. Simple! | Image credit: Ubisoft/VG247

    Once you’ve spotted a pouch of interest, carefully approach the NPC from behind. When you are in close proximity, a pickpocket prompt will appear. Use this prompt to initiate the pickpocketing process. Basim will then start tailing the target until he is close enough to retrieve the stolen goods. Subsequently, a Quick Time Event (QTE) will commence where you need to press the pickpocket prompt as soon as the gold square aligns with the blue segment.

    Basim completes a quick time event while pickpocketing a civilian in Assassin's Creed Mirage
    QTEs are generally easy, with QTEs for Dervis’ artifacts being significantly harder. | Image credit: Ubisoft/VG247

    If you fail the QTE, the targeted NPC will become suspicious, and may even alert nearby guards. On the other hand, if you successfully pickpocket an NPC, it is advisable to move away quickly, as the victim will soon realize their valuables are missing and start calling for help.

    Disabling Pickpocket QTEs

    Did you know that there is a way to bypass the pickpocket QTEs in Assassin’s Creed Mirage? It’s true!

    A screenshot of the gameplay menu in Assassin's Creed Mirage, with the cursor hovered over the Guaranteed Pickpocket option
    Image credit: Ubisoft/VG427

    By accessing the gameplay tab in the game’s settings, players have the option to enable “Guaranteed Pickpocket.” When this feature is activated, you can pickpocket an NPC and instantly collect their belongings without having to complete any QTEs. This setting drastically reduces the time and effort required for pickpocketing. However, if you enjoy the occasional challenge of a QTE, you may choose to leave the Guaranteed Pickpocket option disabled. The choice is yours!

    Pickpocketing Rewards in Assassin’s Creed Mirage

    Dedicated pickpocketers in Mirage can amass a substantial fortune in a short amount of time.

    While pickpocketing civilians, you will primarily acquire trinkets. Trinkets can be sold to Traders in exchange for Dirham. These Dirhams can then be used to purchase valuable resources, talismans, and even outfit dyes from the various merchants in Baghdad.

    In addition to trinkets, successful pickpockets can also earn a significant number of Khidmah Tokens. These tokens can be exchanged for favors from merchants, scholars, and mercenaries within Baghdad. Moreover, merchant tokens specifically offer the added benefit of securing discounts when redeemed at a Trader.

    If you’re hungry for more information about Assassin’s Creed Mirage, check out our other articles on eavesdropping techniques, outfit locations in Baghdad, and essential tips and tricks for newcomers to the series or those starting the game.

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