
    English Title: A Comprehensive Overview of Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes Introduced in VALORANT Patch 7.10

    VALORANT Patch 7.10: Deadlock Buffs, Jett’s Change, Nerfs to Reyna, and Buffs to Fade in Team Deathmatch

    Deadlock Buffs

    The highly anticipated VALORANT Patch 7.10 is set to go live on Nov. 14, and Deadlock mains are in for a treat. Riot Games has decided to buff the sentinel agent, who has been struggling since her introduction in June.

    Despite her potential, Deadlock failed to make an impact in professional play and among casual players. However, the Patch 7.10 buffs aim to change that by significantly improving her abilities.

    One of the main changes is related to Deadlock’s GravNet (C) ability. Previously, players affected by GravNet would have the effect expire or simply move out of the net radius to remove it. Now, they must manually remove the net, adding an element of strategy and forcing enemies to reveal their location.

    The removal time for GravNet has also been increased from 0.85 seconds to 1.5 seconds, giving players more time to react. Additionally, the radius of the ability has been expanded from six meters to eight meters, making it easier for Deadlock to trap her enemies.

    Jett’s Change

    Another change in Patch 7.10 involves Jett’s third-person animations while using her ultimate, Blade Storm (X). These tweaks will provide players with a better understanding of Jett’s movement and actions when running or throwing her knives.

    Nerfs to Reyna and Buffs to Fade in Team Deathmatch

    Riot is continuing to improve the Team Deathmatch (TDM) experience by addressing some balance issues. Two of Reyna’s abilities were considered too overpowered in TDM, so Riot decided to make some adjustments.

    Reyna’s Leer (C) ability now has a longer cooldown of 51 seconds, up from 44 seconds. This change aims to balance its power against enemies without affecting allies. Additionally, Reyna’s ultimate, Empress (X), will charge 14 percent slower, encouraging players to prioritize orbs to activate the ultimate more quickly.

    Fade, on the other hand, needed a buff in TDM to make her utility more useful in the mode. Prowler (C)’s cooldown has been reduced from 44 seconds to 36 seconds, and Seize (Q)’s cooldown has been reduced from 51 seconds to 48 seconds.

    Bug Fixes

    Riot has also taken the opportunity to address some bugs in Patch 7.10, improving the overall gameplay experience. These fixes include:


    • Fixed a bug where reverb wasn’t being applied properly to certain sounds.
    • Resolved an issue with Viper’s Pit (X) not correctly blocking vision for enemies on the minimap or megamap.
    • Fixed problems with Fade’s Prowler (C) ability passing through certain objects.

    Player Behavior:

    Fixed a bug where the report button text in VALORANT was cut off for Arabic players when accessing the Player Report menu.

    Performance Updates

    Riot has included some performance updates in Patch 7.10, specifically related to the stats page in VALORANT.

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