
    Finding and Utilizing the Chimera Core in Cyberpunk 2077: A Guide

    Unraveling the Mysteries of Cyberpunk 2077’s Chimera Core: Where to Find It and What to Do With It

    Where to Find the Chimera Core in Cyberpunk 2077

    Have you been left puzzled and bewildered by the enigmatic Chimera core in Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty DLC? Fear not, for we have the answers you seek. In this guide, we will reveal the elusive location of the Chimera core and shed light on its purpose.

    After completing the boss fight against the fearsome Chimera in the main quest Spider And The Fly, you will have the opportunity to claim the Chimera core. Make sure not to miss this crucial step, as it is an optional objective that should not be overlooked. Scan the floor near the remains of the Chimera in its boss arena, and snatch up the core before proceeding to the next main job, Lucretia My Reflection.

    Image credit: VG247 / CD Projekt Red

    What to Do With the Chimera Core in Cyberpunk 2077

    Now that you possess the Chimera core, you may wonder how it fits into the narrative of Phantom Liberty. Surprisingly, the quest objective associated with the core serves a different purpose altogether. It ensures that you do not overlook a unique crafting resource, which might have gone unnoticed in the darkness of the boss arena.

    Rest assured, the Chimera core is yours to keep, with no further obligation or request for it in the future. You have a few options on how to utilize this intriguing item:

    • Display it in V’s Apartment: If you appreciate artistic aesthetics and wish to showcase your achievements, consider placing the Chimera core on a display table in V’s apartment. This way, you can admire your triumphs and let others marvel at your conquest.
    • Crafting Component for Iconic Weapon Mods: Alternatively, you can harness the power of the Chimera core by using it as a crafting component for powerful Tier 5 weapon mods. Each mod offers unique enhancements for different weapon types:
    1. Firecracker (Power Weapon mod): Unleash explosive rounds for devastating damage.
    2. Hacktomy (Smart Weapon mod): Increase the chance of applying quickhack effects by 5%, with the effect type determined by the body part hit.
    3. Severance (Melee Weapon mod): Strike fear into your enemies as every hit to their head or limbs below 50% health has a 20% chance to dismember that body part.
    4. Wallpuncher (Tech Weapon mod): Reap the benefits of a fully charged weapon, allowing you to unleash it at 200% capacity with +100 armor penetration, without any increase in charge time.

    By utilizing the Chimera core in these iconic weapon mods, you can transform it from a mere relic into a formidable tool of destruction, tailored to your playstyle and preferences.

    Unlock the Potential of the Chimera Core in Cyberpunk 2077

    To delve deeper into the art of crafting in Cyberpunk 2077 and unlock the full potential of the Chimera core, we recommend consulting our comprehensive crafting guide. Discover ingenious techniques, tips, and tricks to bring your dreams of harnessing this unique component to life.

    With the knowledge gained from our guide, you will be able to master the crafting system and create powerful weaponry that will leave your adversaries quaking in fear. Seize the opportunity, take control of the Chimera core, and shape your destiny in the world of Cyberpunk 2077.

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