
    Free Radical, the studio behind TimeSplitters, could reportedly close just days before Christmas, according to an executive from Embracer.

    TimeSplitters studio Free Radical facing closure before Christmas, as staff search for new roles

    The future of TimeSplitters studio Free Radical hangs in the balance as owner Embracer reportedly informs staff that the UK studio may be closed before Christmas. According to reports, dozens of employees are already seeking new job opportunities.

    Potential closure revealed

    Amidst Embracer’s recent wave of company-wide restructuring, rumors circulated suggesting that Free Radical Design, the studio behind TimeSplitters, was at risk. This followed the closure of Saints Row creators Volition and substantial job losses across various teams within the conglomerate. While Embracer has not made any public statements regarding the fate of Free Radical, Lars Jannsen, VP of the Embracer arm Plaion, has reportedly privately informed employees that the studio could be shut down on December 11th, just two weeks before Christmas.

    Jannsen expressed gratitude for the dedication and exceptional work of the Free Radical team during this challenging time. He assured employees of the company’s commitment to support them through the transition process leading up to the potential closure.

    An uncertain future

    Image credit: Free Radical Design

    Currently, Free Radical Design is undergoing a 30-day consultation process as mandated by UK employment law to determine the possibility of layoffs. However, it has been observed that over 50% of the studio’s employees listed on LinkedIn have already announced their search for new job opportunities. If accurate, there is a chance that Free Radical could avoid closure if purchased before December 11th. Nevertheless, the future appears bleak for the Nottingham-based studio, which was revived from the remnants of the original TimeSplitters maker, bankrupted in 2008 due to the unsuccessful PlayStation 3 game, Haze. Free Radical’s original founders resurrected the studio less than three years ago.

    Embracer’s restructuring impacts

    Free Radical joins the growing list of studios adversely affected by Embracer’s extensive restructuring and layoffs. Recently, Fishlabs, the developers behind Chorus and Galaxy on Fire, announced that over half of their team had been let go. Throughout the year, Embracer-owned studios alone have witnessed over 900 job losses, with potential for this number to exceed 1,000. Despite the significant toll on the gaming industry, Embracer stated that their restructuring efforts are still in their early stages, implying the likelihood of more cancellations and potential closures. Unless a miraculous turn of events occurs, Free Radical may soon become another casualty of this ongoing wave of restructuring.

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