
    Ghostrunner 2 Review: Console Creatures

    Ghostrunner 2: A Worthwhile Sequel that Elevates the Series

    Ghostrunner 2 exceeds expectations as a sequel, building upon the success of its predecessor while introducing new elements that make it a standout entry in the series. Released in 2020, the original Ghostrunner provided a welcome escape from the uncertainties and restrictions of the world. Its vibrant and visually stunning world, coupled with its exhilarating parkour and combat mechanics, created an immersive experience that captivated players.

    The sequel picks up a year after the events of the first game, with the protagonist, Jack, having defeated the Keymaster and liberated Dharma Tower. Tasked with restoring stability to the tower, Jack faces new adversaries who seek to claim it for themselves. The storyline introduces a larger cast of characters and incorporates a dialogue system that enhances the overall storytelling experience. However, some voice acting falls short, detracting from an otherwise engaging narrative.

    Returning to Dharma Tower: A Familiar yet Exciting Journey

    For newcomers to the series, a video recap of the first Ghostrunner proves helpful in understanding the game’s concepts, characters, and locations. The sequel expands upon these foundations, introducing new gameplay elements and further fleshing out the series. While the game still has some rough edges, its improvements and additions greatly enhance the overall experience.

    As in its predecessor, Ghostrunner 2 features fast-paced and chaotic gameplay where a single hit can be fatal. The objective is to complete each level without taking any damage or facing repetition. The game meticulously designs each arena, placing enemies strategically and providing various combat scenarios. This allows players to feel powerful while also requiring them to make clever decisions. The game encourages thinking outside the box, with trial and error playing a vital role in the enjoyment of the challenging experience.

    Constant Surprises and Exhilaration

    If you enjoy games like Katana Zero, Hotline Miami, or Neon White, you will find Ghostrunner 2 to be a familiar and satisfying experience. The game emphasizes precision and timing, rewarding players who can master these skills. Overcoming obstacles and defeating enemies generates an unmatched sense of accomplishment.

    The game’s wall-running and bullet-deflection mechanics make players feel like agile ninjas. A new stamina meter adds an additional layer of challenge, preventing excessive dodging and dashing. However, one disappointment lies in the fact that Jack loses his acquired skills from the previous game, forcing players to relearn them. Nonetheless, the game offers new and improved abilities, which can be unlocked by progressing in the campaign or discovering them in levels.

    On a Steel Horse, Riding Through New Challenges

    Ghostrunner 2 continues to surprise players with each level, introducing new ideas, enemies, skills, and awe-inspiring locations. Notably, the game introduces exhilarating motorcycle stages that offer a refreshing change of pace. These levels provide open-ended exploration, adding a new dimension to the gameplay.

    The motorcycle levels are particularly well-executed, defying expectations and delivering an exceptional experience. The game’s later stages open up even more, allowing players to freely explore them on their two-wheeled steed. This newfound freedom serves as a counterbalance to the intense and carefully constructed levels that precede it.

    Overall, Ghostrunner 2 is a thrilling and enjoyable sequel that takes the series to new heights. With its engaging combat mechanics, the addition of the motorcycle stages, and the ability to tackle challenges using various tools, playing as Jack is an absolute blast. Although there are some performance issues and occasional glitches, they do not significantly detract from the overall experience.


    In conclusion, Ghostrunner 2 successfully builds upon the strengths of its predecessor, delivering an exciting and worthwhile entry in the series. The game’s combat is exhilarating and frantic, and the inclusion of the motorcycle adds another layer of enjoyment. The story takes full advantage of the game’s setting, providing an engaging narrative. However, performance issues and occasional glitches may hinder the experience to some extent. Nevertheless, fans of the original game will find Ghostrunner 2 to be a commendable sequel that ticks many boxes.


    • Combat is exhilarating and frantic
    • The motorcycle is a great addition
    • A fun story that takes advantage of the setting

    Didn’t Like:

    • Performance issues
    • Some glitches

    [The publisher provided a copy of the game for review purposes.]

    Reviewed on: PlayStation 5

    Summary: As a sequel, Ghostrunner 2 delivers an exciting and worthwhile entry by elevating the series to new heights.


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