
    How about gathering at MatchXR in Helsinki for a meetup?

    This year I missed out on attending AWE Europe due to my busy schedule, which was quite disappointing. However, I’m thrilled to announce that I will be flying to Helsinki, Finland to attend MatchXR, making it my final trip of the year.

    MatchXR is a fantastic event that allows me to connect with the XR community in Finland and northern Europe. It takes place during the same week as Slush, a renowned startup event, where various satellite events are organized. Attending MatchXR will provide me with the opportunity to explore Finnish XR startups, network with industry professionals, and potentially establish collaborations.

    What you can expect from MatchXR (Image by MatchXR)

    I’m particularly excited because I have never been to Nordic Europe before. I plan on staying for an entire week to maximize my networking opportunities. Despite the cold weather, I hope to attend various events happening during Slush and establish professional connections. Although I am slightly concerned about the bitter Finnish winter, I will do my best to adapt. Thankfully, if I need any assistance, I have friends at Varjo who can help me out. I hope to visit them and experience their XR-3 device.

    How about gathering at MatchXR in Helsinki for a meetup? - REALM RUSH
    I am working inside the fridge these days to get used to typical Finnish temperatures (Copyright of the movie is of Warner Bros)

    Aside from Varjo, NOKIA will also be present at the event. I’m eager to connect with their employees and reminisce about the good old days of the Nokia 3310.

    If any of you will be in Helsinki between November 28th and December 2nd, please let me know! It would be wonderful to meet up, try out your XR products, discuss potential collaborations, or simply have a great time together. Although I will have a busy schedule, I will make every effort to meet as many people as possible. Perhaps we can even grab a meal together or explore the city. And if you can’t join me, don’t worry! I will share my experiences and highlights from the trip on my blog.

    How about gathering at MatchXR in Helsinki for a meetup? - REALM RUSH
    Of course, the pizza is frozen too… no need to put it in the oven (Copyright of the movie is of Warner Bros)

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