
    Hypergrid Business: OpenSim Breaks Record with Sixth Consecutive Month of Highest Number of Grids

    OpenSim Grids Report: Record-Breaking Growth in Land Area and Active Grids

    This month’s OpenSim Grids report highlights the achievements and trends in the OpenSim virtual world platform. The monthly stats reveal impressive growth in various areas, including the number of active grids, land area, and user base. Here are the key highlights:

    1. Active Public Grids: The number of active public grids reached an all-time high of 428. Despite categorizing many grids as private, the OpenSim platform continues to attract public grids that provide useful websites, social media pages, and other indicators of their efforts to attract users.

    2. Land Area: The land area on public OpenSim grids hit its highest level since October, with the equivalent of 117,869 standard regions. In comparison, Second Life currently has 27,778 regions, highlighting the significant land area advantage of OpenSim.

    3. Active Users: While the total number of OpenSim active users decreased slightly to 41,620, this can be attributed to seasonal changes, grid shutdowns, and service interruptions.

    4. Top Grids: OSgrid, Wolf Territories Grid, and Kitely emerged as the top three grids by land area. Wolf Territories Grid experienced significant growth in both land size and active user count, making it the fastest-growing grid.

    5. Cost and Control: The popularity of OpenSim grids can be attributed to their significantly lower costs and greater control, privacy, and security offered to schools and companies. OpenSim regions are often cheaper or even free, making it an attractive choice for many users and organizations.

    6. OpenSim Grids and DreamGrid: The report highlights the usage of DreamGrid by many users to create virtual worlds on personal computers, private company grids, or school grids. However, stats do not include most grids running on DreamGrid as they are often private.

    7. Kitely Market: The Kitely Market, the largest collection of legal content in OpenSim, offers 19,884 product listings with 39,337 variations, of which 34,254 are exportable. The market has delivered orders to 585 OpenSim grids.

    8. Testing on .Net 6: Developers are calling for volunteers familiar with .Net or C# testing to join testing efforts as OpenSim transitions to the .Net 6 platform. This transition requires the expertise of volunteers to ensure a smooth transition.

    9. XMIR Grid on .Net 6: XMIR Grid is now fully utilizing the .Net 6 platform and has reported positive performance and memory usage improvements. The transition has been successful so far, and the grid welcomes further testing from users.

    10. New Grids: Several new grids, including Alecia Grid, Atlas Grid, Avie Realm, and Zodiac, were added to the OpenSim Grids database this month. These additions demonstrate the ongoing growth and expansion of the OpenSim platform.

    Overall, the OpenSim Grids report highlights the continuous growth and innovation within the OpenSim virtual world platform. The expansion of active grids, land area, and user base indicates its appeal to various user groups, offering cost-effective solutions and greater control over virtual worlds.

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