
    Increasing OpenSim User Activity in Preparation for the Holidays – Hypergrid Business

    OpenSim Grids Experience Increase in Activity during Holiday Season

    Compared to last month, OpenSim grids have seen a surge in activity as people spend more time indoors on their computers during the holiday season. The number of active users has increased by over 1,700, although the total land area has decreased by 5,395 regions.

    One of the main reasons for the decrease in land area is due to OSgrid, the largest grid in OpenSim, losing 6,684 regions. This loss is a result of a regular cleanup carried out by grid owner Dan Banner. OSgrid is a free-to-connect grid where users can download the region installer software and run regions on their own computers. However, these regions are only active when the computers are connected.

    Additionally, some outages have also affected the statistics this month. TheKaz Grid is currently offline, and other grids such as Floyd Grid, Piggy Bank Grid, Vivo Sim, and Goldor Grid experienced downtime as well.

    Currently, there are a total of 2,642 grids being tracked, with 337 active grids and 273 grids publishing their statistics. The total land area of the metaverse spans 125,877 standard region equivalents, of which 95% is hypergriddable. There are nearly half a million total users, with 44,184 active users.

    The Wolf Territories Grid has become the new biggest grid in terms of total region count, with 26,768 regions. ZetaWorlds is the fastest growing grid, adding 1,546 new regions in a month. OSgrid remains the most popular grid in terms of total active users, with 5,265 users. Endless Grid registered the highest number of active users in a month, with 448 users, and Eureka World registered the highest number of new users, with 565 in a month.

    In terms of online marketplaces, Kitely Market currently has 20,500 product listings with 40,366 product variations. Nearly all of the growth in Kitely Market has been in content that can be exported to other grids. Tag Grid, the biggest closed grid, also has its own marketplace with 30,031 items listed.

    Several OpenSim grids have also announced upcoming events and activities. Littlefield Grid will be hosting a full-day Thanksgiving celebration with various activities planned. They will also be opening a Christmas Island region for Christmas and winter-themed events. Neverworld Grid is offering free additional prims on new rentals to celebrate its eighth birthday. ZetaWorlds will be hosting a virtual World Techno Day Techno Party, and Kishaki Grid has moved the SilverFox Designs Mall to its grid.

    Several new grids have been added to the database this month, including Bradley City, Europa Metaverse, Jaytopia, Kishaki, Kizzys Grid, and Six Sides.

    Overall, OpenSim grids continue to be a vibrant and active community, with increasing interest and participation during the holiday season.

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