
    Inquire RPS: Which co-op gaming experience holds a special place in your heart?

    Co-op Gaming Memories: A Trip Down Nostalgia Lane

    Alice Bee: Couch Co-op Fun

    My favorite co-op memories are all about couch co-op. Back in my teenage years, my friend Tim would host LAN parties in his freezing garage. We would sit wearing full winter gear, with our feet on portable electric heaters, battling it out in Gang Beasts. One game I’ll never forget is when Geoff was being chased around a moving ferris wheel, and the rest of us tried not to lose our grip. We also spent countless hours playing Halo co-op. Ah, those were the days (not really though, it sucked).

    Edwin: Co-op Shenanigans with My Brother

    Many of my cherished co-op memories involve playing games with my younger brother, who has Downs Syndrome. Despite the stereotype that people with Downs Syndrome are cute and innocent, in-game, my brother is a ruthless mass-murderer and turncoat. He would consistently leave me to die in Left 4 Dead, run me over in Halo 3, and do his best to slaughter essential NPCs. Good times.

    In addition, I have fond memories of playing local multiplayer games with my family during cozy December evenings. Overcooked was a particular favorite, with half the team attempting to serve food while the other half yelled in frustration. Gang Beasts also provided hilarious moments with its awkward physics and unbreakable grabs. And there was that time when I connected with a friendly Scouse player in Rainbow Six Siege. I couldn’t communicate through voice chat due to my fear of revealing my posh accent, so I entertained the player in deathcam spectator mode by pretending to pour myself a pint at the bar. These brief and heart-warming interactions truly stood out in a game focused on intense action.

    James: The Thrilling Encounter in DayZ

    One of my most thrilling co-op memories was playing the old DayZ mod with a friend. We were exploring a vast 225km2 map when we suddenly heard the sound of a helicopter overhead. We quickly hit the deck and watched as it landed in a nearby airfield, occupied by bandit-like characters. Without hesitation, we devised a plan to sneak up on them. Crawling through the grass, we got close enough to see their eyes filled with mischief. With trembling hands, we ambushed one and chased down the other. This encounter, completely unplanned and random, filled us with adrenaline and excitement far beyond that of any scripted shooter setpiece.

    Jeremy: Bonding Over World of Warcraft in Taiwan

    My fondest co-op memories take me back to the years 2011-2012 when I was studying in Taiwan. After attending Chinese classes in the afternoon, my friends and I would head over to the nearby PC cafes to play World of Warcraft, or 魔獸世界 (“moshou shijie” in Chinese). As I couldn’t afford my own PC at the time, playing WoW in these cafes was the perfect solution.

    We would embark on adventures through Burning Crusade instances, trying to communicate with local players. It was a hilarious and enjoyable experience. We spent an excessive amount of time in those cafes, sometimes six or seven hours a day. In between gaming sessions, we would discuss various topics, including girls and existential crises, fostering a deep bond. The cafes also served delicious food, like curry rice and katsudon, along with incredibly strong coffee designed to keep gamers wired. It was my life during those glorious years, and when my friends left Taiwan, it was never the same without them.

    Kiera: Nostalgic Sibling Co-op in Crash Bandicoot

    My favorite co-op memories involve playing Crash Bandicoot with my older brother. Like many siblings sharing a console, we would take turns playing different levels, each with varying success. Crash Twinsanity was our absolute favorite and holds a special nostalgic value for me. Years later, I had the opportunity to play the same game with my younger brother, who is nine years younger than me. It felt like a privilege to step into the role of the older sibling and guide us through the challenging levels. One particular level, set in a snowy tundra, stands out in my memory. It was the moment my younger brother completed it on his own, without any assistance. His proud expression made me realize the impact games can have on our childhoods. While remakes dominate the gaming industry today, if they ever release a Twinsanity remake, I would cry tears of joy and take a week off work just to play it.

    Katharine: Nintendo Fun with My Brothers

    I grew up in a Nintendo-filled household with three brothers, so most of my co-op memories revolve around Mario Kart matches, never-ending sessions of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, and any game that allowed all four controllers to be used. Each of us had our sacred set of characters that no one else was allowed to use, leading to intense tantrums when someone broke the rule. Additionally, my second oldest brother kept a dedicated notebook chronicling our gaming endeavors, which served as our family gaming bible. Those were truly good times.

    Ed’s Memorable Co-op Moments

    My favorite co-op memories span across different games and periods in my life. Gears of War 2’s Wingman mode, a 2vs2vs2 battle, stands out as a fantastic co-op experience. I built synergies with my closest friends, treating them as my doubles partner in a real sport. Bubble Trouble 2 during school breaks was another cherished memory, as we huddled around a single keyboard to kill time. And let’s not forget the countless hours my flatmates and I spent playing League of Legends back in university, forming a circle of laptops as we climbed the ranked ladder (despite our lack of skill). We may have been terrible players, but our passion was unmatched.

    Alice0: FPS Nostalgia and Pranks in Viscera Cleanup Detail

    I still feel nostalgic about my first FPS experience, playing Doom 2 with a friend. Instead of co-op, we shared the keyboard, with one of us controlling movement while the other fought. It was a challenge to coordinate, but we managed to have a blast.

    One memory that always brings a smile to my face involves Viscera Cleanup Detail. This precursor to PowerWash Simulator allowed us to create messes rather than clean them. We would knock over bloody mop buckets, start fires, leave footprints, and even contribute our own corpses to the chaos. Despite its peaceful nature, Viscera Cleanup Detail offered plenty of opportunities for mischief, especially when playing with friends. One particular prank stands out – while I was engrossed in meticulously mopping a rusty boiler room, I suddenly turned to see a Terminator robot peeking from around a corner. It was perfectly still, not attacking, just observing like Dennis the Menace plotting mischief. It took me a while to realize that our friend Dan had been patiently holding the trashed robot and waiting for me to notice. It was an epic prank that perfectly captured the magic of co-op gaming and the unpredictable moments it brings.

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