
    League of Geeks: A Time of Great Importance for a Studio of Our Scale

    League of Geeks: Navigating the Challenges of the Indie Games Industry

    League of Geeks holds a special place in the Australian games industry. As pioneers of the indie scene with their game Armello in the early 2010s, the Melbourne-based studio has remained successful over the past decade while also supporting other Australian indies. Trent Kusters, the studio director and co-founder, recently won the Adam Lancman Award for his ongoing support to indies and being a great ambassador for the Australian games industry.

    Cracking Open Strategy Games for Wider Audiences

    “Our aim as a studio is to take strategy games and crack them open for wider audiences through a signature aesthetic, through subject matters that are cross-cultural and appeal to a far wider number of audiences than your typical hardcore fans [of the genre].”

    League of Geeks aims to follow in the footsteps of Paradox Interactive by making strategy games and their usually complex user experience (UX) more accessible. With Armello, they successfully achieved this mission by supporting the game for four years after its release in 2015. Currently, the developer is working on a remake of the cult classic Solium Infernum, set to release next year. They are also developing Jumplight Odyssey, a sci-fi simulation game with an anime aesthetic, which launched in Early Access on Steam in August.

    The early access launch of Jumplight Odyssey saw initial success, with high numbers of wishlists leading up to the launch. However, the game encountered some unexpected bugs, resulting in mixed reviews on Steam. Kusters admits underestimating how much the early access landscape has changed since their previous experience with Armello. Today, players tend to wait until games are almost finished before engaging in early access.

    Despite the challenges, the team at League of Geeks promptly addressed the issues, implementing an aggressive patch schedule and successfully turning the reviews around from “Mixed” to “Very positive.” They attribute their success to honest communication with the community and actively involving them in the development process.

    The Challenges of the Current Market

    The indie games market faces numerous challenges, particularly in a year packed with game releases. Kusters mentions the crowded release slate as one factor that has led to the downfall of even successful indies, such as Mimimi Games, which closed down earlier this year after the strong release of Shadow Gambit. He acknowledges the difficulty for independent studios to achieve sustainability without a breakout hit.

    Kusters also highlights the increasing cost of game development as a significant challenge for studios. While the Australian games industry has remained relatively sheltered from layoffs and closures, studios face the rising expenses of creating games. Armello, their previous game, cost $1.5 million to make, while their new games are estimated to cost around $8 million. Unfortunately, studios cannot charge four times more for their games, making financial stability a constant concern.

    Balancing Creativity and Commercial Success

    League of Geeks currently operates with a two-team system and considers themselves a “triple-I” studio. They have scaled to a team of 70 employees, and while Kusters would love to add a third team, the current market climate urges caution. The AA/triple-I space is not the most resilient, and even successful studios face uncertainties.

    Amidst the challenges, League of Geeks maintains a unique identity and has a decade of experience in the industry. They have refined their processes and know their place in the industry. As they continue working on their current titles, they have plans for more game releases and aim to nurture the talent within their team.

    While League of Geeks has received acquisition offers in the past, the studio remains cautious and emphasizes the need for the right terms and partner. They have learned the importance of balancing focus on game development with strategic opportunities.

    The Australian government’s support and the relatively low entanglement with major international corporations have helped sustain the Australian games industry. However, the industry must adapt to the changing financial landscape, rising costs, and demands for commercial success.

    Despite the challenges ahead, League of Geeks remains committed to expanding opportunities within the team and creating new titles and experiences. They aspire to sustain their position as an aspirational studio in the Australian industry while navigating the rough seas of contraction.

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