
    Littlefield celebrates its tenth anniversary – Hypergrid Business

    Breaking News: Littlefield Grid Celebrates 10th Anniversary with Week-Long Birthday Bash

    Littlefield Grid, an Adult-only OpenSim grid, is gearing up to celebrate its 10th anniversary with a spectacular week-long birthday party. The festivities will take place at the Anniversary region and feature live performances, a DJ dance party, and a showcase of exhibitions created by the grid’s talented residents.

    The highlight of the event will be a live performance by renowned OpenSim artist Rogue Galaxy at 5 p.m. Pacific time on April 1. Following the performance, DJ Walter Balazic, a beloved member of the Littlefield community, will keep the party going with an electrifying DJ dance session. Attendees can also explore the various exhibitions curated by the grid’s residents, adding to the immersive experience.

    Littlefield Grid is also running special rental promotions for new residents throughout the entire week of celebrations. Premium regions, offering 30,000 prims and a free Shoutcast server, will be available at a reduced price of $10 instead of the usual $15 for the entire month of April. Moreover, there will be an exclusive buy-one-get-one-free promotion for anyone renting a region between April 1 and April 8.

    To make the most of this limited-time offer, interested individuals can contact Walter Balazic in-world on the Littlefield grid or via email at

    The Anniversary region opens its doors at 6 a.m. Pacific time on April 1 and will remain accessible for the exhibitions until 6 a.m. on April 8. Visitors can teleport to the grid’s Anniversary region using the hypergrid address Anniversary.

    Littlefield Grid takes pride in prioritizing the interests and needs of its user community. The grid ensures regular engagement and communication through monthly grid meetings, enabling residents to voice their questions, suggestions, and concerns. With six dedicated grid admins overseeing daily operations and addressing any issues that arise, Littlefield Grid remains committed to providing a welcoming and user-friendly environment.

    Recently, the grid successfully migrated from OpenSim version 8.2 to version 9.2 after a year-long testing and development process. This gradual transition aimed to safeguard the content and investments made by the residents over the years.

    Littlefield Grid currently operates nine production data servers at US-based data centers, including two mirrored grid servers and one hot backup server. This robust infrastructure ensures seamless operations and allows for instant switching to the backup server in case of any unforeseen issues.

    Looking back at its remarkable journey, Littlefield Grid started in 2011 with approximately 50 regions on OSgrid. In 2013, the grid became a standalone entity with a focus on creating an adult-only environment and reducing the strain on OSgrid’s resources. The three co-founders, Walter Balazic, Ashton Nobilis, and Dirk Mathers, were driven by a desire to enhance the overall experience for residents and foster a strong sense of community.

    Littlefield Grid owes much of its success to the incredible talent and dedication of its residents, many of whom have been part of the community for the full ten years. Xi Shi, Windrunner Constantine, and Muddpuddle Cleanslate are just a few notable individuals who have contributed greatly to the grid through their regions, administrative roles, and artistic creations.

    As the grid prepares to commemorate a decade of growth and innovation, the Littlefield team is excited to welcome residents and visitors alike to its Anniversary region. This limited-time event promises to be an unforgettable celebration of creativity, artistry, and camaraderie.

    For more information about the anniversary celebrations, renting regions, or general inquiries, reach out to Walter Balazic in-world on the Littlefield grid or email him at

    About the Author:
    David Kariuki is a respected technology journalist with extensive experience covering various technology solutions. A graduate of Kenya’s Moi University, David has written for publications such as Cleanleap, Resources Quarterly, and Construction Review. For any inquiries or feedback, contact David at Stay tuned for more insightful articles from David Kariuki.

    Note: This article has been edited and condensed for clarity and readability.

    Headlines for WordPress Article:
    1. Littlefield Grid Celebrates 10th Anniversary with Spectacular Week-Long Party
    2. Live Performances, DJ Dance Party, and Resident Exhibitions Mark the Milestone Event
    3. Limited-Time Rental Promotions and Reduced Prices for Premium Regions
    4. Littlefield Grid Prioritizes User Community to Enhance User Experience
    5. Smooth Transition to OpenSim Version 9.2 Ensures Content Security and Continuity
    6. Littlefield Grid’s Robust Infrastructure Supports Seamless Operations
    7. Littlefield Grid’s Journey: A Decade of Innovation and Growth
    8. Celebrating Talented Residents who have Contributed to Littlefield Grid’s Success
    9. Littlefield Grid’s Anniversary Celebration: Immersive, Artistic, and Unforgettable
    10. David Kariuki: Leading Technology Journalist Covering Innovative Solutions

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