
    Narrative Director Describes Star Wars Outlaws’ Setting as an Enthralling Playground

    Star Wars Outlaws: A New Adventure in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

    Star Wars has a long history of video game adaptations, with many fans experiencing the faraway galaxy through interactive gameplay. From first-person shooters to open-world exploration, Star Wars games have covered a range of genres. However, the upcoming game, Outlaws, aims to bring something unique to the franchise: an open Star Wars world. Game Informer had the opportunity to speak with Outlaws’ narrative director, Navid Khavari, about various aspects of the game.

    The First Step in Writing a Star Wars Story

    Navid Khavari explained that the first step in writing a Star Wars story is to determine the fantasy they want to deliver. In the case of Outlaws, they aimed to create a scoundrel experience, allowing players to wield blasters, ride speeders, pilot ships, and navigate cantinas filled with scum and villainy. Once they pitched this concept to Lucasfilm Games, they landed on the era between Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. This era provided the opportunity to tell a story that grew organically from the established Star Wars universe while introducing something new.

    Collaboration with Lucasfilm Games

    Khavari revealed that they have a close collaboration with Lucasfilm Games throughout the development of Outlaws. They regularly connect with Lucasfilm Games to ensure an authentic Star Wars experience. With a deep love and respect for the Star Wars galaxy, the team behind Outlaws strives to get every detail right, especially in terms of honoring the original trilogy.

    The Decision to Set the Game Between Empire and Return of the Jedi

    Setting Outlaws between Empire and Jedi was a writer’s dream, according to Khavari. This era provides an ideal backdrop with high stakes and endless possibilities for scoundrel stories. It allows the exploration of the underworld from a scoundrel perspective while staying true to the Star Wars universe. Khavari noted that they wanted to add something new and fresh, combining a rookie scoundrel’s perspective with an inherent wonder of the wider galaxy and underworld.

    Inspiration from Shadows of the Empire

    When asked about the famous Star Wars game Shadows of the Empire, Khavari acknowledged his love for it growing up. However, he stated that Outlaws is an original scoundrel story that aims to deliver a unique experience for fans and players. While Jabba the Hutt appears in the game, Khavari hinted at other potential cameos for players to discover on their own.

    The Impact of Branching Dialogue Options

    Khavari explained that the dialogue options in Outlaws will impact players’ experience throughout the game, particularly in terms of Kay’s reputation. Building a reputation with certain syndicates can open up new territories and lucrative job opportunities, while betraying a syndicate can result in consequences such as sent hunters and altered storylines. While the main beats of Kay’s journey remain intact, the dialogue choices offer a level of player agency and personalization.

    Authentic Endings

    Khavari emphasized the importance of authenticity when it comes to the ending of Kay’s story in Outlaws. While there may be variations in the reputation system, the key beats of the ending align with the wider galaxy and the Star Wars universe, ensuring a cohesive narrative experience for all players.

    The Art of Naming Star Wars Characters

    When it comes to naming Star Wars characters, Khavari mentioned that the process is both fun and collaborative. The team works to establish names that feel authentic to the wider Star Wars galaxy while also ensuring they resonate with the character’s identity and story within Outlaws.

    The Personality and Motivations of Kay Vess

    Kay Vess, the protagonist of Outlaws, is a rookie scoundrel who fights for survival alongside her companion, Nix. Khavari described Kay as an individual willing to take risks and possessing a quick wit, but still navigating life without having everything figured out. Kay’s journey finds her in the dangerous underworld with a bounty on her back, leading her to take on contracts and aim for one of the greatest heists the galaxy has ever seen.

    Kay’s Perspective on the Empire, Jedi, and The Force

    Kay’s perspective on the Empire is that of an obstacle standing in her way. While she recognizes them as an oppressive force, her primary focus is on surviving the galactic underworld and achieving her personal goals. As a scoundrel, Kay hasn’t yet formed strong opinions on the battle between the Empire and the Rebellion. Her motivations remain centered on her own journey rather than the wider conflicts of the galaxy.

    The Personality and Motivations of Nix

    Nix, Kay’s companion, is her closest family and support system. He is fierce and protective, reflecting Kay’s moods and always by her side. Nix can switch from being cute to vicious depending on the situation, and his bond with Kay is unbreakable. While Khavari didn’t provide any guarantees about Nix’s fate, he assured fans that Kay will do everything in her power to protect him.

    Familiar Faces and New Characters in the Game

    Jabba the Hutt is confirmed to appear in Outlaws, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. Khavari expressed excitement about including such an iconic underworld figure from the original trilogy. However, he hinted at other characters players can expect to meet while also leaving some surprises for players to discover on their own.

    Cinematic Presentation and Visual Style

    Outlaws aims to provide a cinematic gaming experience with visual elements that pay homage to the filmic history of Star Wars. Barrel distortion, lens flare, film grain, and other techniques are employed to create a classic original trilogy look and feel. Players will have the option to play the game in ultrawide or regular 16:9 formats, ensuring a customizable experience.

    Introduction of Toshara, a Unique Star Wars Location

    Toshara is a new addition to the Star Wars universe, featuring a biome inspired by the savannahs of Eastern Africa. It offers a mix of familiar and alien elements, creating a distinctive location within the galaxy. Toshara’s landscape serves as a perfect hideout for pirates and bandits, with a corrupt Imperial governor and criminal syndicates ruling its dense capital city and settlements. The world of Toshara presents opportunities and dangers for scoundrels like Kay.

    The Intriguing Ashiga Clan

    The Ashiga Clan is a newly crafted criminal syndicate in Outlaws. They are based on the ice-cold planet of Kijimi, known from Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker. The Ashiga Clan operates under a strict code of honor and has infiltrated various aspects of Kijimi’s underworld, engaging in smuggling, extortion, sabotage, and weapons manufacturing. Their hive-based structure and focus on survival make them an intriguing addition to the Star Wars universe.

    Collaboration with Lucasfilm Games and Authenticity

    The collaboration with Lucasfilm Games ensures an authentic Star Wars experience throughout Outlaws. The team behind the game works closely with Lucasfilm Games to capture the spirit and details of the Star Wars universe, keeping the story and characters true to the wider Star Wars galaxy.

    A Personal Connection to Star Wars

    Navid Khavari revealed his personal connection to Star Wars, stating that it has been a bonding experience for his family. Growing up, Star Wars provided an escape and a source of enjoyment for him and his loved ones. Being able to write new stories within the Star Wars universe is a surreal experience for Khavari, who has a deep attachment and respect for the franchise. He expressed his fondness for the original trilogy, particularly Empire Strikes Back, and the impact it had on his childhood.

    Star Wars Outlaws promises to deliver an original scoundrel story set in a captivating open world. With an emphasis on authenticity, player agency, and cinematic presentation, the game aims to provide a unique experience within the beloved Star Wars universe. Fans and players can look forward to embarking on a thrilling adventure in a galaxy far, far away.

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