
    Preview of Alan Wake 2: Delving into a Deadly Hotel as the Protagonist, Alan Wake

    Alan Wake 2 Preview: A Thrilling Adventure in the Dark Place

    During my recent preview trip, I had the incredible opportunity to play over two hours of Alan Wake 2. With two demos featuring protagonist Alan and newcomer Saga, I was captivated by the inventive puzzle-solving and powerful atmosphere the game had to offer.

    In the Dark Place

    The game begins with Alan trapped in the Dark Place, a twisted version of New York City. As players navigate the roads from a central square to various destinations, they encounter a lead character named Alex Casey, a hard-boiled detective from Alan’s novels portrayed by Sam Lake in live-action form. Casey points Alan towards his next destination, the Oceanview Hotel.

    New Tools and Abilities

    Armed with Alan’s new Dark Place Lamp (DPL), players can absorb light charges to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles. By capturing the light from nearby lamps, areas can instantly transform, revealing new paths and opportunities. This mechanic adds a dynamic twist to the gameplay, requiring players to constantly switch between the light and dark versions of their surroundings.

    Exploring the Haunted Hotel

    Upon reaching the Oceanview Hotel, players are immediately drawn into its eerie corridors. Reminiscent of “The Shining,” the hotel offers multiple locked doors that can be opened with the correct key. Strange and unsettling noises can be heard behind some of these doors, evoking a feeling of unease and suspense.

    A Disturbing Game Over

    While exploring the hotel, players may encounter optional rooms filled with enemies. These encounters can be challenging, and failure often results in a chilling Game Over screen featuring the real-life actor in a pool of blood. This unsettling image adds to the game’s overall atmosphere of tension and suspense.

    Unlocking Echoes

    Throughout the game, players can discover floating orbs, one white and one black. By positioning themselves to align these orbs and create an eclipse-like circle, players can unlock in-game cinematic sequences known as Echoes. These live-action scenes overlayed on top of gameplay reveal important story moments and provide a deeper understanding of the game’s narrative.

    A Legendary Play and a Sinister Force

    Several Echoes feature Alex Casey discussing a murder that took place during an immersive performance called “The Cult” hosted by the Oceanview Hotel. The director of the play reveals that it holds a special power, alluding to the summoning of a sinister force during its performance. This murder is attributed to a group known as the Cult of the Word and their leader, Mr. Scratch.

    Manipulating Environments with Plot Elements

    As players explore the hotel, they can step into areas that reveal narrative elements. These elements can be applied to designated areas, called Scenes, in Alan’s Mind Map on the Plot Board. By choosing the right Plot Elements, players can rewrite and change these scenes, resulting in positive or negative consequences.

    An Inventive Puzzle-Solving Experience

    Manipulating environments through the use of Plot Elements and the DPL is a thoughtful and inventive puzzle-solving experience. Players are encouraged to experiment and discover creative solutions to challenges, leading to exciting and rewarding gameplay moments. The possibilities are vast, and it will be fascinating to see how far Remedy pushes this mechanic in the full game.


    After spending 90 minutes in the Dark Place and exploring most of the Oceanview Hotel, it’s clear that Alan Wake 2 is shaping up to be an exceptional and thrilling adventure. The inventive puzzle-solving, immersive atmosphere, and gripping narrative make this game a must-play for fans of the genre. With its release date approaching on October 27, the future of Alan Wake 2 looks brighter than ever.

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