
    Preview of Lords of the Fallen (2023) – A Thrilling Evolution in English

    Lords of the Fallen 2: A Promising Evolution of the Soulslike Genre

    The Journey to Redemption

    Back in 2014, the first Lords of the Fallen game made its mark on the gaming scene. At the time, the Soulslike subgenre was niche, with From Software’s Dark Souls series only consisting of two games. Bloodborne and Elden Ring were yet to redefine what an action-RPG could be. As one of the early Soulslikes, Lords of the Fallen caught my attention, but it failed to impress me. The game felt slow, clunky, and lacked the flexibility and speed that Dark Souls offered through its various classes.

    According to executive producer Saul Gascon, the first game was made to cater to the niche audience of the Soulslike subgenre. However, as the genre grew, so did the expectations of its fans. Now, nearly a decade later, CI Games is taking another shot at Lords of the Fallen with an exciting sequel that seems to address the shortcomings of its predecessor and add its own unique twist to the genre.

    An Expanded Arsenal of Playstyles

    The sequel boasts a wide variety of classes that cater to different playstyles, both in melee and ranged combat. This diversity is a welcome addition, as it addresses one of the major criticisms of the first game. From the fast and agile Blackfeather Ranger, reminiscent of Bloodborne’s hunter, to other unique classes, players will have more options to suit their preferred style of play.

    Gascon explains that Hexorks sought to broaden the appeal of the genre and incorporate feedback from the community and press. The decisions taken by the development team reflect their awareness of the impact that Elden Ring had on the genre.

    A Tale of Two Realms

    Lords of the Fallen October 2023 Gameplay Preview Hands-On Thoughts

    One of the standout features of Lords of the Fallen 2 is its two-world system. The first world, Axiom, is connected through shortcuts and hidden paths, offering a dark and atmospheric experience. The second world, Umbral, exists parallel to Axiom and can be accessed in real-time. While Umbral poses more challenges, it also acts as a second chance for players, giving them an opportunity to survive and return to Axiom. This dual-world system introduces a fresh dynamic to the gameplay and enhances the puzzle-solving elements.

    Lords of the Fallen October 2023 Gameplay Preview Hands-On Thoughts

    Amping Up the Exploration and Combat

    The Umbral Lamp, a key tool in the game, illuminates the Umbral realm while in Axiom. This unveils hidden paths and allows players to bypass obstacles that exist in Axiom. Additionally, the lamp has combat applications, such as the Soul Flay move, which extracts the soul of enemies to deal significant damage when it returns to their bodies. This lamp opens up new possibilities for exploration and adds strategic depth to combat.

    Lords of the Fallen October 2023 Gameplay Preview Hands-On Thoughts

    A Promising Evolution

    Lords of the Fallen 2 shows significant improvement and innovation compared to its predecessor. The combat feels satisfying, with generous parry timing and impactful blocking mechanics. The game world is filled with surprises and secrets, keeping players engaged and on their toes. The inclusion of the Umbral realm and the Umbral Lamp adds a new layer of complexity and strategy to both exploration and combat.

    Lords of the Fallen October 2023 Gameplay Preview Hands-On Thoughts

    A Glimpse into the Future

    Although my hands-on experience with Lords of the Fallen 2 was limited to a couple of hours, it left a strong impression. The developers at Hexworks are making significant efforts to differentiate the game from other Soulslikes and create a standout experience. While it’s too early to call it a success, I remain hopeful that the final package will deliver on its promises and establish itself as a favorite in the genre. As creative director Cezar Virtosu jokingly suggests, perfection may be an ongoing pursuit, but Lords of the Fallen 2 has a solid foundation to build upon.

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