
    Preview of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 – Crafting a More Powerful Web

    Spider-Man 2: The Culmination of a Superhero Gaming Triumph

    With two fantastic Spider-Man games under Insomniac’s belt, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 feels like the culmination of the 2018 game and 2020’s Miles Morales in all the best ways. At a recent preview event, I spent roughly 90 minutes swinging and gliding across its new and improved New York City, taking down scores of bad guys and even challenging the Lizard. When my session concluded, I walked away thinking one thing: The first two games swung so that this third act could soar.

    This preview contains spoilers for Spider-Man (2018) and Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

    Spider-Man 2’s Story

    Spider-Man 2 picks up nine months after the events of Miles Morales. Peter is still coping with Aunt May’s death and has since moved into her home, which players will visit often between missions. Mary Jane remains a constant source of companionship and encouragement, but Peter has another friend in the returning Harry Osborn. It’s good to see him after he was only present via audio logs in Spider-Man, though he’s in less-than-great shape thanks to the terminal illness players discovered in the first game. Surprisingly, Harry is also aware of Peter’s superheroic moonlighting and wants to help not only Spider-Man but the world as a whole.

    To this end, he and Peter have been researching world-saving solutions at a think tank connected to Oscorp, named after his late mother, Emily.

    Meanwhile, Miles Morales is on the cusp of graduating high school with his friends Ganke and Haley. Like all teens during this pivotal time, he’s torn on what the next chapter of his life looks like, evidenced by his struggle to complete a school essay on the topic. The fact he’s still looking out for his community as a costumed hero only complicates matters, as does his obsession with locating Martin Li, aka Mr. Negative, the man behind his father’s death. Still, Miles has the unwavering support of his mother, Rio, who acts as a rock as he continues to heal from the deaths of his father and his friend-turned-enemy, Phin.

    Gameplay Improvements

    In terms of gameplay, Spider-Man 2 offers a larger and more densely packed New York City with the additions of Brooklyn and Queens. Players can instantly switch between playing as Peter or Miles at any time outside of story missions, and the change is seamless. The city is filled with activities, and each Spider-Man has their own specific missions and tasks. The game also brings back photo ops, where players can capture local landmarks and humorous situations. Other diversions include collecting Spider-Man-themed spider-bots, finding caches of enemy tech for unlockable upgrades, and clearing out enemy-controlled areas to gain information on larger enemy strongholds.

    A New Wrinkle to Combat

    One major improvement in combat is the addition of a parrying mechanic. Players can now block and stun enemies with a well-timed parry, which opens up windows for counterattacks. This adds a new layer of strategy to combat, forcing players to observe and decide when to dodge or parry. The game also introduces new web gadgets, such as a device that ensnares multiple enemies and pulls them together for a pummeling. The combat is further enhanced by the abilities of Peter’s symbiote suit and Miles’ venom attacks. Successful attacks build a meter that activates a powered-up state for even more devastating attacks. The boss fights in Spider-Man 2 are also elevated, providing a more intimate and strategic one-on-one feel.

    A Big Green Problem

    The game features a thrilling boss battle with the Lizard, which takes place in the sewers. Players must dodge his attacks and find creative ways to weaken and defeat him. The fight is intense and strategic, requiring players to utilize their powers and surroundings to gain the upper hand.

    Stealth and Other Sequences

    Spider-Man 2 introduces enhanced stealth gameplay, allowing players to create their own walkable tightropes and strategically take down enemies quietly. The game also includes puzzle-like sequences and unique gameplay moments, such as repairing a particle accelerator and controlling a spider-bot to infiltrate a museum.

    To Glide Like a Spider Can

    One of the highlights of Spider-Man 2 is the addition of web wings, which allow the Spider-Men to glide through the city. This new traversal mechanic adds a new level of freedom and grace to the already excellent web-swinging. The mechanics of gliding are carefully balanced to ensure that it doesn’t overshadow web swinging, but rather enhances the overall experience of traversing New York City. Players can gracefully glide, bank sharp turns, and nosedive through tunnels, preserving momentum and providing a more seamless and enjoyable movement throughout the city.


    Progression in Spider-Man 2 is shared between Peter and Miles. Both characters earn experience together to unlock their own skill trees and upgrades. The game offers a wide range of suit upgrades, gadgets, and abilities, allowing players to customize their Spider-Man experience and craft the type of hero they desire. The game also introduces a new style feature for costumes, offering different color variations for each suit.

    New Symbiote Details

    The nature of the Venom symbiote in Spider-Man 2 has been a question among fans. During the preview, clues were found suggesting that the symbiote suit is of extraterrestrial origin, as it has been in the traditional comics. The inclusion of a familiar spiral symbol hints at the incorporation of contemporary symbiote lore.


    From the preview, it’s clear that Insomniac has added smart, meaningful layers to the already exceptional Spider-Man gameplay experience. Spider-Man 2 is shaping up to be the ultimate entry in the series, with improved combat mechanics, enhanced traversal options, exciting boss battles, and a deep customization system. Fans of the previous games will find plenty to love, while newcomers will be blown away by the thrilling superhero action and expansive open-world of New York City. Insomniac has a winner on their hands, and I can’t wait to swing through the streets of New York as both Peter Parker and Miles Morales in this highly anticipated sequel.

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