
    Preview of Sonic Superstars – Co-op in Cyber Station Zone

    Sonic Superstars: An Exclusive Preview of the Upcoming 2D Platformer

    In our previous issue, we delved into the world of Sonic Superstars, the highly anticipated 2D platformer featuring the beloved blue hedgehog. We provided readers with exclusive insight into never-before-seen zones and shared our first hands-on impressions. However, in this article, I’ll be sharing my experience with yet another all-new zone that was not showcased earlier this summer. Additionally, I had the opportunity to explore the game’s cooperative play feature, which had left me with many questions.

    Introducing Cyber Station Zone

    My gameplay session took place in Cyber Station Zone, a stage that many fans may recognize from the reveal trailer. It is the stage where Sonic and his friends undergo a transformation into pixelated and squid-like creatures. Although I had some idea of what to expect based on the early look and the name of the zone, this was my first time playing with a second controller attached.

    Chaotic Cooperative Play

    Sonic Superstars introduces cooperative play, allowing up to four players to join forces locally. While I didn’t personally experience this feature, a representative informed me that it can get quite chaotic. The cooperative play in Sonic Superstars draws inspiration from other 2D platformers, but the defining factor here is speed. I witnessed this firsthand as my co-op partner, playing as Tails, soared ahead of me as Sonic, reaching areas I couldn’t access.

    In terms of camera movement, it tends to focus on the character making progress towards the goal. While this makes sense in general, it can pose challenges if you want to explore the stages in greater detail. Communication between players will be crucial if you wish to do more than simply reach the end of a stage. Should a character fall behind or go off-screen, they will respawn next to the leader.

    Cooperative Play in Sonic Superstars

    Individual Ring Collection and Respawn System

    In Sonic Superstars, rings are not a shared resource. This means that while one character may be thriving, another could be on the brink of losing all their rings. Fortunately, respawns are unlimited, providing a safety net. Characters respawn quickly and automatically, ensuring that waiting for a downed character to return is relatively painless.

    However, an exception is made during boss battles. If a character dies during a boss fight, they are out for the remainder of that battle. This rule is in place to prevent players from exploiting boss encounters. It adds tension to the gameplay, especially if you find yourself as the last character standing, facing off against Eggman or one of his contraptions.

    Boss Battle in Sonic Superstars

    Cooperative Play: Fun and Exploration

    Cooperative play offers an enjoyable way to explore the various stages of Sonic Superstars alongside friends, even though, like other co-op platformers, it may not always be the most efficient method. The camera primarily follows the leading player, and interactions between characters are limited, with Tails mainly carrying another hero during flight. As a result, the chaos level is not as high as in games like four-player New Super Mario Bros.

    Exploring the Cyber Station Zone reveals its futuristic theme, as players race through beams that transform them into pixelated versions of themselves and other creatures, including mice and squids. The zone also features thrilling sequences where players ride through an intricate network of pipes, strategically choosing paths to avoid enemies.

    Exploring Cyber Station Zone

    A Challenging Boss Battle

    Towards the end of the single-act zone in Cyber Station, players transform into rockets, needing to navigate through obstacles and hit booster cones to accelerate at incredible speeds. The boss battle combines Eggman and one of his robotic creations, as a silver robot flies around, creating clones of itself that players must deflect back at the main boss. The boss battle takes place during a chase sequence, adding an extra layer of challenge, especially in co-op mode.

    Sonic Superstars: The Game We’ve Been Waiting For

    Despite initial concerns of a repeat of the lackluster Sonic the Hedgehog 4 or the 2D segments in Sonic Forces, Arzest and Sonic Team have repeatedly proven that they understand exactly how Sonic should feel. They have captured the essence of his stages and crafted engaging boss battles that keep players on their toes.

    Sonic Superstars is set to release on October 17 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Fans can prepare for a thrilling adventure, exploring new zones, engaging in cooperative play, and defeating Eggman once again.

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