
    Priority of Honkai Star Rail and the Hanya Kit Traces

    Unveiling the Extraordinary Honkai Star Rail Hanya Kit: A Game-Changer for HoYoverse

    In the realm of Honkai: Star Rail, HoYoverse has taken a revolutionary approach with the newly introduced Honkai Star Rail Hanya kit. Hanya, the remarkable character who not only aids your party in skill point regeneration but also possesses exceptional weakening abilities, proves to be an invaluable asset when it comes to overpowering formidable adversaries.

    However, given that Hanya utilizes common materials that are widely sought after by various characters, it becomes crucial to strategize and meticulously prioritize the Traces you choose to level up and when you choose to do so.

    The Unparalleled Honkai Star Rail Hanya Kit

    Hanya’s kit is ingeniously designed to seamlessly balance enemy debuffs, rendering them vulnerable, along with party buffs that significantly enhance speed and attack capabilities. Moreover, her unique skill possesses an additional effect that replenishes one skill point for the entire party upon fulfilling certain criteria. Furthermore, Hanya showcases commendable prowess in exploiting the physical weaknesses of adversaries, rendering her an excellent choice for dispatching enemies that hold substantial power.

    Similar to Tingyun, Hanya primarily functions as a single-target support character. Thus, it becomes vital to carefully evaluate and determine which Traces to focus on, thereby ensuring maximum benefits for your entire team.

    We have meticulously curated the scaling values for Hanya’s abilities, encompassing both the initial values at level one and the final values at level ten.

    Hanya Normal Attack: Oracle Brush

    Hanya’s normal attack inflicts physical damage equivalent to 50/130 percent of her attack power upon a single enemy.

    Hanya Skill: Samsara, Locked

    Hanya’s skill unleashes physical damage amounting to 130/240 percent of her attack power, simultaneously inflicting the Burden effect on the targeted enemy. Whenever the Burdened enemy faces two attacks, skills, or bursts from any member of your party, one skill point will be regenerated. The Burden effect persists until the party replenishes two skill points.

    Hanya Ultimate: Ten Lords’ Decree, All Shall Obey

    This extraordinary ultimate boosts the speed of a targeted ally by 15/20 percent and raises their attack by an astounding 36/60 percent, ensuring heightened performance for a duration of two turns.

    Hanya Talent: Sanction

    Enemies afflicted with the Burden effect suffer an additional 15/30 percent damage from normal attacks, skills, and ultimates within a period of two turns.

    Hanya Technique: Netherworld Judgment

    With the Netherworld Judgment technique, Hanya relentlessly assaults the enemy visible on the screen, thereby bestowing the Burden effect upon a randomly selected foe from their party.

    Hanya Bonus Abilities

    Hanya exhibits an array of three bonus skills that unlock upon achieving significant milestones on her Traces chart.

    • Scrivener: Allies who activate the Burden’s skill point replenishing effect gain a 10 percent increase in attack power for one turn.
    • Netherworld: Even if an enemy with the Burden effect is defeated with a single attack count or less, one skill point will still be recovered.
    • Reanimated: Every time an ally replenishes a skill point with Burden, Hanya regenerates two energy.
    Priority of Honkai Star Rail and the Hanya Kit Traces - REALM RUSH

    Hanya Traces Priority

    While it may appear that Hanya’s Traces priority lies heavily on her skill, which is undoubtedly a vital part of her kit, it is important to note that only the damage inflicted scales with upgrades. Moreover, Hanya is unlikely to serve as your primary source of break damage, making it advantageous to concentrate on her more potent Traces.

    • Ultimate
    • Talent
    • Skill
    • Normal attack

    Ideally, it is recommended to level up Hanya’s talent and ultimate simultaneously. While Hanya’s ultimate exhibits exceptional prowess by significantly boosting the performance of a single ally, it proves to be perfectly suited for scenarios wherein your party consists of a sole damage dealer, such as Imbibitor Lunae. However, if the need arises to enhance multiple allies simultaneously, it becomes more effective to prioritize her talent, as it empowers the entire team by augmenting their damage output, whether they are buffed or not.

    In situations where resource conservation becomes imperative, it is advisable to evaluate which aspect benefits your party the most based on Hanya’s role within the team. If your objective is to create a swifter team or pair her with characters such as Bronya or Seele, it is strategic to prioritize Hanya’s ultimate. This approach diminishes the number of times adversaries can retaliate and amplifies the damage inflicted by your buffed ally. Conversely, if debuffing capabilities are desired, according higher attention to Hanya’s talent proves to be more advantageous.

    For an overview of the required materials for advancing Hanya’s Traces, refer to our comprehensive Hanya materials list. Additionally, don’t miss out on exploring our Honkai Star Rail tier list to discover the best characters to complement Hanya’s astounding abilities.

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