
    Reasons Why I Love the Combat System in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    Why Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII has a Masterclass Combat System

    In the realm of gaming, the Final Fantasy series has always been a household name. However, when discussing the series, one particular game often gets overlooked – Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. This third entry in the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy may not have been on many gamers’ wishlists, but it left a lasting impression on me, primarily because of its combat system.

    The Perfect RPG Combat System

    Lightning Returns’ combat system successfully combines all the elements that make for an excellent RPG experience. It introduces a stamina system that adds an element of resource management to the gameplay, making quick decision-making and strategy crucial. Customization options are abundant, allowing players to plan and create unique combat approaches. Additionally, the enemy weakness stagger system ensures that all abilities remain relevant throughout the game.

    The Stagger System

    Unlike most RPGs, where early actions become obsolete as the game progresses, Lightning Returns’ stagger system solves this issue. Certain abilities are specifically designed to fulfill stagger requirements, freezing enemies in place and allowing players to unleash massive damage. This mechanic adds depth to combat, encouraging players to strategize and plan their moves to achieve victory.

    Fighting living cacti was already thematically interesting, but Lightning Returns’ combat system makes it mechanically interesting as well.

    Multiphase Combat Goals

    Lightning Returns’ combat system incorporates multiphase combat goals, a popular trend in modern combat-focused games. This trend increases the value of various skills, adds design choices for developers, and moves away from a damage-per-second (DPS) mindset. In the game, players first focus on building up stagger damage, then unleash maximum DPS during the limited stagger window. Mastering this multi-goal approach requires skill, timing, and strategic thinking.

    Real-Time Tension and Reflex-Driven Boosts

    Unlike many action games that prioritize offense without considering defense, Lightning Returns makes defending just as exciting as attacking. The game offers players multiple defensive options, such as guards, parries, and evasions, each requiring different skill requirements and leading to different outcomes. Additionally, the timing-based bonuses for chaining actions add a layer of real-time tension, rewarding players who excel at mastering precise input timing.

    A Final Fantasy 13 Lightning Returns screen showing Lightning attacking a blonde character who is blocking Lightning's sword with an ice staff of some sort
    Defense can be a weak point of RPGs, but not so with Lightning Returns

    Unique Abilities and Double Purposes

    Lightning Returns features abilities with double purposes, adding depth and excitement to combat. For example, some offensive attacks offer evasion properties, allowing players to simultaneously evade enemy attacks while dealing damage. Successfully executing these techniques makes players feel powerful and rewards strategic decision-making.

    Limitations and Pitfalls of Customization

    While Lightning Returns offers players the ability to customize their builds, this level of customization can lead to imbalances in the game and limit the team’s scope. The game falls into the trap of “metas,” where certain builds become objectively better than others. While this level of customization may appeal to some players, it is essential to strike a balance to maintain the overall enjoyment and challenge of the game.

    A Final Fantasy 13 Lightning Returns screenshot showing a character menu with multiple customization options
    Customization options add depth to gameplay but need to strike a balance in terms of game balance.

    Influence and Evolution

    Since the release of Lightning Returns in 2014, its combat system has influenced and shaped combat-focused games in the industry. Games like Sekiro, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Final Fantasy XVI, Octopath Traveler, and even Elden Ring all incorporate similar multiphase combat goals and unique mechanics to create engaging gameplay experiences.

    Worldless: Adding a Unique Twist

    In our upcoming game, Worldless, we wanted to create a combat system that differed from Lightning Returns’ while still maintaining its essence. We introduced a shifting combat goal, where players are incentivized to absorb enemies rather than defeating them outright. Absorbing enemies grants new skills, adding depth and versatility to combat. This approach keeps players engaged as they choose the correct damage type, build absorption, and ultimately achieve successful absorption before defeating the opponent.

    Lightning Returns’ Enduring Legacy

    There is no shortage of excellent combat systems in the gaming world, but Lightning Returns truly stands out as a masterclass in combat design. It successfully combines tactical decision-making, a wide range of attacks and defensive options, and real-time tension to create an engrossing gameplay experience. Despite the passage of time, Lightning Returns’ combat system remains influential and a reference point for developers looking to create a captivating combat experience.

    As gamers, we are fortunate to have experienced Lightning Returns’ combat system and its enduring impact on the gaming industry. It serves as a testament to the power of innovative and thoughtfully designed combat mechanics in enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

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