
    Replai’s Latest AI Service Revolutionizes Ad Creation for Marketers | Pocket

    Revolutionizing Mobile Games Marketing: How Generative AI is Fueling Engaging and Cost-effective Ad Creative

    A Breakthrough in Creative Content Creation

    Mobile games marketers face a significant challenge in creating captivating and easily modifiable creative content. However, software-as-a-service experts Replai have introduced a game-changing solution through the use of generative AI technology.

    Unlocking the Power of Generative AI in Marketing Videos

    Replai proudly presents their cutting-edge technology, which pioneers the use of generative AI for automatically generating marketing videos (ads) based on data or text prompts. This groundbreaking development is the first of its kind, marking a new era in the mobile games industry.

    Efficiency and Resource Savings for Developers and Publishers

    This innovative technology empowers developers and publishers to produce highly effective ad creative directly from the game or through text prompts. The dynamic nature of generative AI enables the creation of various ad iterations for different channels. This breakthrough offers substantial time and resource savings for large companies that produce numerous ad creative pieces monthly and opens doors to cost-effective marketing and user acquisition for smaller studios and teams.

    The Rise of AI-powered Ads

    Replai’s technology harnesses the power of text-to-video prompts, allowing user acquisition (UA) and creative teams to introduce AI-driven changes to existing ads or generate entirely new ones. The platform even provides the ability to mimic the style of competing advertisements, empowering marketing teams to gain a competitive advantage in the fiercely competitive mobile games market.

    Leveraging Game Data and Advanced Computer Vision

    Replai’s platform utilizes their Learning Language Model (LLM) to generate videos based on the game itself and the developer’s existing ad-network accounts. Through advanced computer vision technology, the AI interprets in-game data and reads tags, dynamically producing video creatives in real-time. These videos can be instantly launched within ad campaigns, allowing for performance measurement and the generation of alternative iterations tailored for different ad networks.

    Securing Funding and Partnering with Major Gaming Companies

    The success of Replai’s innovative approach to AI-driven ads is evident in the company’s impressive funding of over $8 million since its establishment in 2019. Currently, Replai handles more than $5 billion of ad spend annually and collaborates closely with leading gaming companies worldwide, producing thousands of videos monthly.

    A Natural Progression of AI-driven Services

    Replai sees its new AI creation technology as a logical progression of its existing services. CEO João Viera da Costa highlights the company’s investment in video intelligence platforms, expertise, and data models over the years. The response to Replai’s AI-powered service has been overwhelmingly positive, with marketing teams embracing its capabilities and experiencing newfound productivity.

    Paving the Way for Mobile Gaming’s Prominence

    Costa envisions Replai’s work with AI as a crucial contribution to placing mobile gaming at the forefront of gaming experiences, deserving the recognition it merits. The company’s ultimate goal is to create a world where mobile gaming is celebrated as a fundamental aspect of gaming culture.

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