
    Review: Thirsty Suitors – A Witty and Revitalizing Game Crafted for the English-Speaking South Asian Community

    Thirsty Suitors: A Game Where I Finally Belong

    Growing up as the child of Indian immigrants to the United States, I’m very used to feeling like I’m on the outside looking in. However, the video game Thirsty Suitors changed that completely. In a world filled with misfit characters, I finally felt seen and belonged.

    Feeling Like an Outsider

    As a young kid, I constantly felt out of place. Growing up in Oklahoma, my predominantly white peers made it clear that I didn’t quite fit in because of my skin color. Even within my Indian community, I always felt like an in-between, not fully belonging anywhere. This feeling of not fitting in became a normal part of my life.

    The Unique Story of Thirsty Suitors

    Thirsty Suitors, developed by Outerloop Games, centers around the life of Jala Jayaratne, a South Asian American woman with roots in Sri Lanka and Bangalore, India. She returns to her small hometown after three years of absence, carrying the weight of her past decisions and the desire to make amends.

    The game’s premise may seem simple, but it is far from boring. The combination of unique gameplay, stunning art style, and brilliant scripting creates an immersive experience that keeps players engaged from start to finish.

    Confronting the Past in Battles

    Jala’s journey involves confronting individuals from her past, including brokenhearted exes and her soon-to-be brother-in-law, whose name she doesn’t even know. These encounters take the form of battles, where Jala can choose to fight her suitors conventionally or utilize her wit to taunt them and exploit their emotions for extra damage.

    The battle mechanics are exciting, requiring precise button presses and timing. However, for those struggling with these mechanics, the game provides accessible tweaks to level the playing field. Each battle reveals more about Jala and her opponents, adding depth to the overall narrative.

    An Array of Colorful Characters

    Thirsty Suitors introduces not only the people from Jala’s past but also a host of random encounters along the way. Jala’s grandmother, Paati, tries to play matchmaker by bringing suitors from matrimonial ads. Meanwhile, a mysterious individual dressed in a brown bear suit takes over the local skate park. These unique characters inject humor and intrigue into the storyline, making every encounter a delightful experience.

    Throughout the game, Jala also engages with her family, attempting to mend her relationship with her sister Aruni. Exploring the town, visiting her aunt, shops, the diner, and the bar offer opportunities for Jala to immerse herself in her surroundings and connect with her roots. Cooking traditional Indian and Sri Lankan recipes with her parents adds a personal touch and further celebrates her cultural heritage.

    A Game that Leaves You Wanting More

    Incredibly, my only complaint about Thirsty Suitors lies in its relatively short length. The main story, along with suitor side quests, can be completed in just under 10 hours. However, the trade-off is a well-crafted, tightly woven narrative that would have been diluted if unnecessarily extended. Compared to today’s trend of never-ending games, Thirsty Suitors offers a refreshing brevity while still delivering a satisfying experience.

    Revolutionary in its Representation

    While the gameplay of Thirsty Suitors is captivating, it is the story and characters that truly impacted me. The game’s vibrant colors and mesmerizing art style serve as an invitation into a world that envelops players. However, it is the characters’ journeys and personal growth that leave a lasting impression.

    Thirsty Suitors is not just another video game; it is a revolutionary example of representation and inclusivity. It allowed me, as a player, to finally feel seen and accepted.

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