
    Stellaris Nexus – “Stellaris in an hour” – shifts early access release for a week-long English open beta period

    Stellaris Nexus Open Beta: A Bite-Sized 4X Delight


    Are you a fan of the Paradox space game Stellaris but don’t always have the time to indulge in its epic gameplay? Well, we have some exciting news for you. Stellaris Nexus is here to offer a compact 4X experience that you can enjoy in just an hour. Originally scheduled for early access release on December 5th, the publishers and developers have surprised fans with a week-long open beta starting tomorrow, December 12th. Let’s delve into the details and find out what this means for Stellaris enthusiasts.

    Open Beta Instead of Early Access

    The release date for Stellaris Nexus has been pushed back to December 12th, but in its place, players can look forward to an open beta via Steam starting tomorrow. This open beta version will include all the features planned for the early access release. The best part? Your progress in the open beta will carry over to the early access version, ensuring a seamless transition. Plus, the open beta is completely free, allowing players to get a taste of the game before making a purchase.

    Early Access vs. Open Beta

    Now, you might be wondering what the difference is between the open beta and early access versions of Stellaris Nexus. The main distinction lies in the pricing. The early access version will cost $15 upon arrival, while the open beta is a chance to try the game without any financial commitment. It’s essentially a free week of gameplay before deciding whether to invest in the full experience. Not only does this give players an opportunity to evaluate the game’s worth, but it also allows the developers to address any issues that may arise during the open beta phase.

    Stellaris Nexus: A Compact 4X Experience

    Stellaris Nexus aims to capture the essence of the original Stellaris game by offering a condensed version that can be enjoyed in a matter of minutes. Players will still engage in interstellar exploration, technological advancements, and intense space battles, but all within a shorter timeframe. While familiarity with the 4X genre is beneficial, the game doesn’t compromise on strategic depth despite its smaller scale.


    If you’ve been longing for a taste of Stellaris but couldn’t commit to hours of gameplay, Stellaris Nexus’ open beta is the perfect opportunity to satisfy your craving. Starting tomorrow, you can join in on the intergalactic adventure without spending a dime. Take advantage of this free week and decide whether Stellaris Nexus is worth your investment when it officially releases. Exciting times await in the expansive universe of Stellaris Nexus!

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