
    Super Mario RPG Review: A Perspective from Console Creatures

    Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Remake – A Testament to Timeless Game Design

    In the 90s, I was blown away by Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. It was a departure from the traditional Mario games, and I became obsessed with it. Now, in 2023, Nintendo has released a complete remake of this beloved game, and it does not disappoint.

    A Departure from the Ordinary

    Super Mario RPG was a collaboration between Nintendo and the makers of Final Fantasy, creating a crossover that was unheard of at the time. The game introduced Mario and his friends in a new light, as they embarked on a full-fledged RPG adventure. The humorous dialogue and quirky animations added a lightheartedness to the story, making it a joy to play.

    The storyline deviates from the typical “rescue the princess” plot, offering a fresh and engaging experience. Players guide Mario on a quest to defeat the evil sorcerer, Smithy, and the journey is filled with memorable moments and unexpected twists.

    Enhanced Visuals and Gameplay

    The remake stays true to the original while enhancing the graphics to give the game a fresh look. The Mushroom Kingdom is vibrant and colorful, and the familiar Nintendo characters fit right in. The upgraded visuals truly bring the world to life.

    Combat has seen significant changes, adding a new layer of strategy. Well-timed button presses can lead to devastating attacks, and each party member brings unique skills and abilities. The introduction of Triple Moves, powerful attacks that require building up a gauge, adds even more excitement to battles.

    The Perfect Blend of Nostalgia and Modernization

    While the game has been updated for modern consoles, it still retains the charm and nostalgia of the original. The pacing is excellent, and for those new to RPGs, it offers a lean but indulgent experience.

    Quality-of-life improvements, such as a snappy and colorful menu, fast travel, and auto-save, make the game more accessible and convenient. However, the minigames could use some improvement, as they don’t live up to the rest of the game’s high standards.

    A Masterful Soundtrack

    Composer Yoko Shimomura returns to score the entire soundtrack, and her talent shines through. The option to switch between the original and rearranged score is a nice touch, but the new score is so captivating that it’s hard to go back to the original.


    In conclusion, the Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars remake is a testament to timeless game design. The updated graphics, enhanced gameplay, and masterful soundtrack make it one of the best video games ever created. It successfully combines nostalgia with modernization, providing a definitive gaming experience that is a must-play for both new and returning players.


    • Excellent graphics that maintain the magic of the original
    • Fresh and fun combat with added improvements
    • Great cast and engaging characters
    • Wonderful rearrangement by Yoko Shimomura


    • Minigames could be more enjoyable

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