
    Tencent, Apple, Nintendo, Ubisoft Showed Significant Progress in Carbon Reduction Last Year

    Shocking Revelation: Gaming Industry’s Carbon Footprint Exceeds that of Entire Countries!

    Tencent, Apple, Nintendo, and Ubisoft – These are some of the biggest players in the gaming industry, and they have recently made significant strides in reducing their carbon emissions from 2021 to 2022. However, the latest report by AfterClimate reveals a dark side, with companies like Sega, NetEase, and Unity experiencing a surge in their carbon footprint compared to the previous year.

    AfterClimate’s 2023 Report Exposes Gaming Industry’s CO2 Emissions

    AfterClimate’s highly anticipated 2023 report offers a comprehensive analysis of the gaming industry’s CO2 emissions in the year 2022. The report not only explores how emissions have evolved in comparison to the previous year but also evaluates the progress made by companies towards their net zero targets.

    Industry Leaders Lead by Example

    Tencent emerges as the champion in this battle against emissions, achieving an impressive 13.73% year-on-year reduction. Apple follows closely with an 11% drop, while Nintendo and Ubisoft exhibit progress with reductions of 2.95% and 0.14% respectively.

    But Who’s Falling Behind?

    Unfortunately, not all companies have managed to curb their carbon footprint. Unity takes the spotlight for all the wrong reasons, registering a whopping 32.4% increase in its emissions during 2022. Big names like Google, Sony, and Microsoft also join the list of companies with higher emissions, ranging between 16.5% and 18% increases.

    But Wait, There’s a Catch!

    AfterClimate emphasizes an important caveat mentioned in their report – 2021 was an exceptional year due to the pandemic, resulting in artificially low emissions. Consequently, the comparative increases witnessed in 2022 may not tell the whole story.

    AfterClimate’s Extensive Research Includes 34 Industry Leaders

    AfterClimate’s report leaves no stone unturned, diving into environmental disclosures from 34 tech and gaming companies. The study encompasses industry giants like Apple, Google, Ubisoft, EA, Activision Blizzard, Take-Two, and many more.

    Collectively, these companies disclosed a staggering 81 million tonnes of CO2 emissions for the year 2022. Interestingly, the major chunk of this footprint can be attributed to tech giants Tencent, Sony, Microsoft, Google, and Apple. However, it remains unclear what portion of their emissions is specifically related to the gaming sector, leaving room for additional analysis.

    Gaming Industry’s Carbon Footprint: Comparable to a Small Country

    Even when excluding the emissions of the aforementioned tech giants, the remaining companies disclosed over seven million tonnes of CO2 for 2022. AfterClimate’s projections estimate that the overall footprint of the gaming industry, including those who did not disclose their emissions, exceeds 14 million tonnes of CO2. This revelation unveils an alarming truth – the gaming industry’s carbon footprint is on par with, or even surpasses, that of entire countries like Bolivia, Greece, and Finland.

    Transparency is Key: Some Companies Fall Short

    AfterClimate highlights various companies that either failed to disclose their emissions or provided incomplete data. Square Enix, Epic Games, Supercell, Roblox, and Konami are among the names that remain shrouded in mystery when it comes to their carbon footprint.

    Additionally, very few gaming companies have considered the footprint of their end users in their environmental reports. Only Embracer, Bandai Namco, and CD Projekt Red have provided this crucial information. AfterClimate emphasizes the need for a broader focus on assessing the impact of the global gaming audience, as it remains largely unknown.

    As the gaming industry continues to expand and captivate millions worldwide, it’s time for the sector to take responsibility for its environmental impact. The AfterClimate report serves as a wake-up call for the industry to prioritize sustainability and work towards a greener future.

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