
    The gaming industry must change its perspective on gamers as mere data in spreadsheets | Pocket

    The Importance of Gamers: Looking Beyond the Data

    By Rana Rahman


    The video game industry has surpassed Hollywood in size and is continuously advancing with each new generation of technology. However, in the race to meet market demands and analyze data, it is essential not to overlook the most crucial aspect of this industry: the gamers.

    The Need for Understanding

    Whether you are a gamer working in the industry or someone who has joined purely professionally, it is vital to learn about the sector and understand the people who play games. The excitement that games bring should not be overshadowed by a purely data-driven approach.


    Whether you’re a gamer or not, you still need to learn the sector and understand the people who play games.

    Rana Rahman

    With the proliferation of analytics and data tools in the industry, publishers can track every aspect of a player’s in-game activities. This data provides valuable insights into the player’s progress, session times, spending habits, pain points, and even the exact moment they stop playing. By analyzing these trends, publishers can refine the gaming experience through updates and improve key performance indicators.

    Personalization and Dynamic Experience

    Utilizing this data, publishers can create personalized experiences tailored to individual users. Machine learning algorithms can offer specific in-game deals based on a player’s preferences and timing, optimizing the chances of a purchase. Additionally, games can dynamically adjust difficulty levels based on player performance, ensuring a challenging but enjoyable experience.

    The mobile games industry heavily relies on data-driven strategies for improved monetization, live operations, and user acquisition. However, recent changes in Apple’s privacy policies have negatively impacted the market, leading to a decline in revenue.


    The industry should be careful not to lose sight of the end users as real people.

    Rana Rahman

    In 2022, global mobile game consumer spending experienced a 5% decline, marking the first-ever yearly decrease. This negative trend has prompted some publishers, such as Playtika, to suspend new game releases until market conditions improve.

    Embracing Engagement

    During the Gamescom event, it became evident that many trade visitors from the industry tend to avoid the consumer halls due to their busy schedules. However, this is a mistake. Engaging with the gaming community, experiencing the games and atmosphere firsthand, and connecting with gamers is crucial to truly understand their interests and needs.

    Whether you are a gamer or not, attending these shows and immersing yourself in the world of gamers allows for a deeper understanding of audiences. Witnessing their passion, dedication, and love for gaming firsthand can greatly contribute to improving the games the industry produces.


    Data is indeed important, but let’s not forget without the gamers, we’d be utterly screwed.

    Rana Rahman


    While data is crucial to driving success in the gaming industry, it is essential to remember that gamers are not just data points. They are real people with emotions, preferences, and needs. Balancing data-driven strategies with a genuine understanding of gamers is key to sustainable growth and success in this ever-evolving industry.

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