
    The Implications of Amnesia’s Most Horrible Idea: Examining Game Design as Harvesting

    Amnesia: The Dark Descent and the Terrifying Metaphor of Vitae

    A Glimpse into the Disturbing World of Amnesia

    Beware major plot spoilers for the entire Amnesia series, together with descriptions of fictional torturing techniques.

    Amnesia, known for its chilling atmosphere and terrifying gameplay, delves into the darkest corners of the human psyche. A central element of the game series is “vitae”, a substance extracted from tortured beings that serves as an energy source, catalyst, and healing agent. It is the lifeblood of the Amnesia universe, driving the narrative and fueling its horrifying concepts.

    The Disturbing Origins of Vitae

    Vitae is generated in response to pain and fear, much like the stress hormone cortisol. It is psychosomatic in nature, extracted from the bodies of tortured individuals, particularly humans. The antagonist of Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Alexander, explains that as long as the body suffers, it continues to produce vitae. The extraction process, however, requires careful performance and subtlety to yield maximum effect.

    Torture as an Artistic Performance

    Alexander emphasizes the imaginative aspect of torture, noting that simply presenting the instruments can be as effective as using them. The human mind’s ability to trigger fear through imagination becomes a crucial element in extracting vitae. The process requires pacing, restraint, and avoiding massive damage to sustain the production of vitae. Even with delicate treatment, there comes a point when the victim’s resilience is broken, and their body can no longer produce vitae. In such cases, an amnesia potion is administered to refresh the victim for further torment.

    The Spiritual Significance of Vitae

    The term “vitae” finds its roots in the concept of “aqua vitae” or “water of life,” which refers to ethanol and its potential as a miracle cure. In the context of Amnesia, vitae represents a primal idea of life beyond the physical body. When a person experiences extreme pain and panic, their will to live intensifies, making their vital energies potent enough to be harvested as vitae.

    Vitae Extraction as a System

    The Dark Descent portrays vitae extraction as a hands-on, occult laboratory process. However, in Amnesia: Rebirth, developed by an expanded team following the success of The Dark Descent and SOMA, vitae extraction has evolved into a mass production system. The game introduces another dimension ruled by an empire that fuels itself with vitae generated from abducted lifeforms. These victims are subjected to mechanized torture, anonymizing their suffering and optimizing the empire’s labor force.

    A History of Exploitation and Optimization

    The notion of optimizing labor and exploiting suffering runs parallel to Grip’s fatalistic view of human history as a constant optimization of oppression. Grip draws a comparison between how animals kill each other and humans’ approach to exploitation. The inhumane treatment of animals in slaughterhouses aligns with the optimization of human labor force through factories. Both scenarios reflect the darker aspects of humanity’s relationship with suffering and optimization.

    The Reflection of Torture and Horror Games

    The Amnesia games weave a self-referential thread that draws parallels between the “careful performance” of vitae extraction and the design and pacing of horror games. These games aim to stimulate dread and terror, operating upon the player’s emotions in similar ways to the extraction process. The idea of inducing empathy or desensitization in players becomes an intriguing aspect of horror game design.

    An Exploration of Pacing and Reprieves

    Amnesia games offer moments of calm and security, providing reprieves from the relentless horror to build tension and prepare players for the next fright. These safe areas and breaks from horror mimic the pacification methods described within the game world. Additionally, these moments often present moral choices, which allow players to empathize or harm NPCs, blurring the line between the player’s actions and the protagonist’s torturous past.

    Vitae and Data: A Metaphorical Comparison

    Vitae extraction in the game serves as a metaphor for the extraction of digital data. Much like harvesting vitae, collecting and utilizing data has become an inherently dehumanizing concept. Data is often perceived as a valuable but volatile resource, leaking from individuals when subjected to surveillance environments. Treating data as a resource obscures the active role humans play in its production and manipulation, paralleling the hidden mechanisms behind vitae production in Amnesia: Rebirth.

    Data Harvesting and Game Design

    Videogames, by their very nature, collect data from players. Even without explicit surveillance mechanisms, games rely on gathering data to make sense of player actions. This data collection has become a vital resource for artificial intelligence, fueling its operations and analysis of human behavior. This crisis of data collection mirrors the relentless efficiency depicted in Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs.

    A Machine For Pigs: The Ultimate Exploration

    In A Machine For Pigs, the game intertwines the horrors of torture and energy extraction into a powerful narrative. The machine itself represents an automated slaughterhouse, driven by an artificial intelligence that sees all lifeforms as fuel. The game questions the boundaries of social and species divisions, presenting a nightmarish future where optimization has surpassed empathy. It reflects the exhaustive scope and granularity of modern data-gathering, urging players to understand and dismantle the mechanisms of harvesting, no matter their form.

    The Dual Faces of Horror and Empathy

    Amnesia games not only terrify but also present opportunities for empathy. Players are often faced with moral choices, where acts of kindness can be weighed against past atrocities committed by the protagonist. These windows of optimism offer glimpses of a brighter future and a way to break free from the cycle of brutality. However, one cannot escape the question of whether these moments of empathy merely serve to soften players, making them forget the true horrors that lie ahead.

    Amnesia: The Dark Descent and its successors dive deep into the horrors of the human psyche. The concept of vitae becomes a chilling metaphor for the extraction of life force, while also drawing parallels to the exploitation of data in the modern world. Through its exploration of torture, horror game design, and the blurred lines of empathy, Amnesia challenges players to confront the darkest aspects of humanity and reflect on the paths they choose to follow.

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