
    The Ultimate Cyberpunk 2077 David Martinez Build Revealed

    The Ultimate Cyberpunk 2077 David Martinez Build Guide: Mastering the Game in Hard Mode

    Playing Cyberpunk 2077 with the best David Martinez build takes the game to a whole new level of challenge. This unique combat style requires you to sacrifice traditional perks and skills in favor of focusing on brawling and maximizing your cyberware abilities. In this guide, we’ll show you how to excel with the David Martinez build and dominate Night City.

    Cyberpunk 2077 David Martinez Build: Embracing a New Skill Progression System

    If you’re still stuck in old Cyberpunk thinking, it’s time to adapt. The new skill progression system in Cyberpunk 2077 means that many of the old skills that previously supported David Martinez builds are no longer available. Instead, you’ll need to rely on cyberware to bridge the gap and enhance your abilities.

    Cyberpunk 2077 David Martinez Build – The Best Weapon

    In the true spirit of David Martinez, you’ll be mainly relying on your Gorilla Arms cyberware as your primary weapon. However, there is one exception – David’s own pistol, the Militech Lexington. You can find this weapon on enemies during the “Only Pain” quest or from vendors across Night City. The Mobile Camp in the Badlands, visited during Act 2, offers a particularly impressive Legendary-rated Lexington.

    Some players opt to include the M-76 Omaha or a shotgun for added versatility, but to fully immerse yourself in the David experience, it’s recommended to primarily focus on melee combat. Gorilla Arms will be your main weapon, and you can choose any elemental affiliation that suits your style.

    David Martinez Cyberware: Enhancing Your Abilities

    When it comes to selecting cyberware, Bionic Lungs are the top choice for the David Martinez build as they increase stamina – a crucial asset for this melee-focused playstyle. Bionic Joints and Kiroshi Cockatrice Optics should also be prioritized to boost defense and critical chance respectively. Opt for cyberware that provides stat modifiers to maximize your effectiveness.

    Skeleton cyberware plays an important role as well. The Epimorphic Skeleton offers significant HP boosts, and if you struggle with armor, consider the Para Bellum or the elusive Rara Avis.

    Choosing the right operating system depends on how closely you want to replicate the David Martinez experience. The Apogee variant of the Sandevistan is recommended if you use guns occasionally, as it significantly slows down time and provides various bonuses. Alternatively, the QianT WarpDancer is ideal for a melee-oriented build, offering mitigation strength and reduced damage from thermal, chemical, and electrical sources.

    David Martinez Sandevistan Mods: Tailoring Your Abilities

    Experiment with different mods to optimize your David Martinez build:

    • Arasaka Software: Enemies take longer to notice you
    • Heatsink: Shortens the Sandevistan cooldown
    • Rabid Bull: Restores health after defeating an enemy while Sandevistan is active
    • Tyger Paw: Restores 15 percent stamina after defeating an enemy while Sandevistan is active
    • Neurotransmitters: Increases critical hit rate by 15 percent

    Choose a combination of mods that best suits your playstyle, whether it’s focusing on stealth, sustainability, or maximizing critical damage.

    Cyberpunk 2077 David Martinez Skills and Attributes: Mastering Your Craft

    The skill progression system in Cyberpunk 2077 has undergone changes with the 2.0 update. To excel with the David Martinez build, prioritize ranking up the Engineer and Solo skill categories.

    Achieve a minimum rank of 30 in the Engineer category to unlock two additional cyberware capacity buffs. Aim for at least level 20 in the Solo category, which increases Gorilla Arm and Fist damage by 20 percent and adds a chance to cause bleeding. Ranking up these categories also provides health boosts and boosts critical hit chance against enemies within five meters.

    The recommended attributes for a David Martinez build are as follows:

    • Body: Painkiller, Adrenaline Rush, Quake
    • Technical: All Things Cyber, License to Chrome, Glutton for War, Health Freak, Edgerunner
    • Reflex: Mix and match perks that enhance mobility and agility

    These attributes form the foundation of your David Martinez build, but feel free to experiment and adjust based on your personal playstyle and preferences.

    Cyberpunk 2077 David Martinez Build Perks: Unleashing Your Power

    Here are some recommended perks for your David Martinez build:

    Body Perks: Painkiller (all sub-perks), Adrenaline Rush (all sub-perks), Quake (level 3 slam effect)

    Technical Perks: All Things Cyber (all sub-perks), License to Chrome (all sub-perks, unlock new skeleton slot at level 3), Glutton for War (level 1), Health Freak (all sub-perks), Edgerunner

    Reflex Perks: Choose perks that improve mobility and speed

    These perks are essential for maximizing your combat effectiveness, but feel free to experiment and deviate according to your playstyle and preferences. For example, if you frequently use pistols or other firearms, the Die! Die! Die! perk may be worth exploring. Similarly, the Wrecking Ball perk can be beneficial if you incorporate blunt weapons alongside your fists.

    If you have access to the Phantom Liberty DLC, unlocking the Jailbreak Relic Skill is highly recommended. This skill enhances your arm cyberware attack power, allowing you to deal even more devastating blows to your opponents. Seek out the Relic Point locations to fully utilize these bonuses.

    The Journey as David Martinez Begins

    Now armed with the knowledge and guidance provided in this ultimate Cyberpunk 2077 David Martinez build guide, you are ready to immerse yourself in the world of Night City. Embrace the challenge, master the unique combat style, and dominate your foes with your powerful cyberware and brawling prowess. The future of Night City is in your hands, samurai.

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