
    Tips for effectively managing a remote studio and ensuring its longevity

    The Remote Working Strategies of Roll7: Insights from a Seven-Year Remote Working Studio

    Roll7, the developer behind OlliOlli and Rollerdome, has been operating as a remote working studio for an impressive seven years. With this extensive experience, Roll7 has gained valuable insights into making remote work setups successful. Nisha Minhas, the head of people and operations at Roll7, recently shared some of these insights during a presentation at the HR Summit. Having 15 years of experience in HR, Minhas initially experienced remote work during the pandemic, and it proved to be a fitting solution for her personal situation.

    The Importance of Onboarding and Setting the Stage

    Minhas emphasized the significance of a well-structured onboarding process for a smooth remote work experience. For her, Roll7’s onboarding process significantly eased her transition into remote work. She was introduced to various virtual work processes within the studio.

    Nisha Minhas

    One important aspect of Roll7’s remote work model is the establishment of specific working hours from 7am to 7pm, with a mandatory start time of 9am. This ensures some overlap among team members. Within these hours, employees have the flexibility to organize their working day according to their preferences. Some may choose to start early and finish in the afternoon, while others may prefer to start later and work into the evening. This flexibility necessitates a system for employees to communicate their availability on Slack, Roll7’s chosen communication platform. Regular breaks are also encouraged, and the virtual door on Slack enables employees to indicate their availability conveniently.

    Roll7 recognizes the potential challenges of written conversations and encourages employees to call each other for effective and clear communication. Additionally, Minhas appreciated the logistical measure taken by the studio when she joined. All her introductory meetings and staff gatherings were pre-booked into her calendar for the first week, providing clarity and allowing her to dive right into her role.

    Building Relationships in a Remote Environment

    Minhas highlights the importance of communication tools and their optimal usage within a remote work context. Roll7 relies on Slack for internal communication and has specifically created channels for company-wide announcements, discipline-specific work sharing, and casual conversations on various topics. The aim is to create virtual spaces that foster a sense of togetherness and connection among colleagues. By encouraging interactions beyond work-related matters, employees can share personal experiences, preferences, and even celebrate milestones together.

    “HR professionals should invest time in developing communication tools that truly reflect the company’s culture and are easy to use.”

    Minhas underlines the significance of the chosen communication tool as the virtual office and the space where the company’s culture takes shape. It is important for HR professionals to ensure that the communication tool aligns with the company’s values and allows individuals to connect with each other personally. In addition, HR should actively contribute to relationship-building efforts by organizing celebrations, such as Roll7’s virtual party parrots on Slack to celebrate employee birthdays. Attention to these details helps to create a positive and engaging remote working environment.

    Building Trust in a Remote Setting

    Minhas emphasizes the crucial role that trust plays in remote work. At Roll7, trust is fostered by giving individuals autonomy over their work processes. Employees are trusted to plan their day, work in their preferred order, and at their desired pace. However, this autonomy should be complemented by clear roles and responsibilities, established from the start. Defining ownership and boundaries ensures accountability and smooth collaboration.

    Productivity in a Remote Setting

    To maintain productivity in a remote working context, Roll7 focuses on team-building activities and collaborative work during in-office days. These occasional in-person meetings help streamline productivity through discussions, roundtables, and inspiring exchanges. Overcommunication is also encouraged to ensure clarity and reduce the chances of misinterpretation. By using various channels and mediums, such as different messaging platforms or project management tools like Notion and Jira, Roll7 ensures information is accessible and comprehensible to everyone.

    “Roll7’s ability to adapt to unpredictable situations contributes to its success as a remote working studio.”

    Minhas also highlights the importance of project management tools in planning for success. They enable efficient tracking of project progress, ensure accountability, and facilitate discussions regarding any potential obstacles. Additionally, managing travel and accommodation expenses is crucial for remote companies, particularly when employees need to travel from various locations for in-person meetings or events.

    Roll7’s agility and willingness to adapt to changing circumstances have been instrumental in its success as a remote working studio. They actively address mental health concerns, maintain clear boundaries, and have a strict no-crunch policy. Furthermore, the company values celebrating individual and company-wide successes, such as creating virtual team shout-out rooms and organizing annual award ceremonies to acknowledge achievements.

    Achieving a Lasting Remote Working Model

    In summary, Roll7’s experience as a remote working studio offers valuable insights for creating a sustainable and enjoyable remote work culture. The key focus areas include a well-structured onboarding process, effective communication tools that foster relationships, an environment of trust and accountability, and adequate measures to promote productivity. However, it’s crucial to remain adaptable to evolving circumstances and continue improving remote work practices to maintain a happy and engaged workforce.

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