
    Top Relic Skills in the Cyberpunk 2077 Game’s Phantom Liberty

    Unveiling the Ultimate Cyberpunk 2077 Relic Skills: Unlocking the Path to Cyber Supremacy

    Choosing the perfect set of Cyberpunk 2077 Relic skills may seem like a daunting task, but fear not! We’ve done the research and discovered the most efficient and effective skills to enhance your cyber-kit. Unlike regular Cyberpunk 2.0 skills, the Relic functions activated by the Songbird are more limited in number and specialization. However, integrating these skills into your gameplay is still essential for unlocking your full potential. So, let’s dive into the world of Cyberpunk 2077 Relic skills and discover the best ones to improve your gaming experience.

    The Best Cyberpunk 2077 Relic Skills: Unleash Your Cyber Might

    Emergency Cloaking: Vanish from Sight and Emerge Victorious

    At the heart of the Relic tree lies Jailbreak, but don’t be deceived. Emergency Cloaking takes the crown for the most invaluable skill. Activate Optical Camo during combat, and behold as your enemies lose sight of your whereabouts. In Dogtown, where enemies swarm in great numbers, Emergency Cloaking becomes your lifeline in hairy situations.

    Vulnerability Analytics: Revealing Weaknesses and Dominating Foes

    Expose your enemies’ weak points with Vulnerability Analytics, granting you a 100 percent chance of landing critical hits when you strike those areas. Additionally, you benefit from enhanced weak spot damage and 25 percent extra armor penetration. But wait, there’s more! Landing a shot on an enemy weak spot triggers a small EMP blast, immobilizing your foes momentarily.

    Machine Learning: Unleashing the Power of Vulnerabilities

    Once you’ve unlocked Vulnerability Analytics, make sure to acquire Machine Learning as well. Targeting enemy vulnerabilities increases the chance of new vulnerabilities emerging by 10 percent. Furthermore, you gain a five percent critical hit chance boost against vulnerabilities. These effects stack up to five times, and when you reach the maximum stack, the power of vulnerabilities doubles. Picture a 100 percent chance of new vulnerabilities appearing and a 50 percent increase in critical hits. This deadly combination is perfect for taking down formidable foes swiftly and ruthlessly.

    Sensory Protocol: Stealth Mastery and Elusive Evasion

    Top Relic Skills in the Cyberpunk 2077 Game's Phantom Liberty - REALM RUSH

    Building upon Optical Camo, Sensory Protocol enables you not only to escape from battles but also to avoid them altogether. When crouched, enemies take longer to detect your presence. Additionally, if you manage to dodge or dash out of an enemy’s sightline, they entirely forget about your existence. However, keep in mind that this skill requires a two-minute cooldown period, so deploy it wisely to outsmart your adversaries.

    Jailbreak: Arm Skills Transcendence

    Jailbreak is an indispensable skill if you favor armed combat. Unlocking this skill enhances the capabilities of Mantis Blades, Gorilla Arms, and the Monowire, making them more formidable weapons. Gorilla Arms gain strength and the ability to create a shockwave, serving as an excellent option for crowded encounters. Mantis Blades automatically charge upon defeating an enemy, allowing you to unleash a barrage of powerful attacks. The Monowire becomes more compatible with hacking techniques, broadening your offensive options. Moreover, your projectile launcher gains the ability to fire more objects, covering a wider area and decimating your foes.

    Spatial Mapping: Mantis Blades’ Deadly Dance

    Top Relic Skills in the Cyberpunk 2077 Game's Phantom Liberty - REALM RUSH

    Spatial Mapping provides a handy skillset, especially for those wielding Mantis Blades. With this skill, your leap attacks cripple enemies, significantly increasing the likelihood of dismemberment for a duration of 10 seconds. However, if you do not utilize Mantis Arms, you may choose to overlook this skill.

    Limiter Removal: Devastating Shockwaves with Gorilla Arms

    If you don’t fancy wielding Gorilla Arms, you can disregard this skill. But for those who embrace the power of Gorilla Arms, Limiter Removal becomes a valuable asset. Unleash charged attacks to witness shockwaves knocking down all enemies within range, offering you a momentary advantage in battle. While not a top priority skill, it provides incremental benefits that complement your combat strategy.

    As for the remaining two skills, their usefulness is debatable. Feel free to exclude them from your skillset without any significant drawbacks.

    If you’re craving even more strength and power, explore our Cyberpunk 2077 crafting guide. Unleash your creativity and elevate your weaponry by crafting legendary upgrades by hand.

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