
    Unable to Play Suika’s Free PC Clone, “Watermelon Game,” Anymore Due to Excessively Depressed-Looking Fruits

    Unbelievable! This Puzzle Game is Taking the Internet by Storm

    Prepare to be amazed by the latest online sensation – the puzzle game Suika, also known as ‘That Watermelon Game’. While it has been available on the Switch in Japan for a few years, the English eShop version has just been released, causing a frenzy among streamers and Twitch enthusiasts. The game has even inspired numerous clones, including a free web browser version that I couldn’t resist trying out during my lunch breaks. Trust me, it’s a total time waster, but in the best way possible!

    A Unique Twist on Tetris Meets Threes

    Suika combines the addictiveness of physics-based fruit Tetris with the strategic elements seen in Threes. The objective is simple: stack similar-looking fruits on top of each other to create larger and more impressive fruits. You won’t believe the satisfaction you’ll feel when you finally achieve the coveted big watermelon and rack up some mega points!

    Are you ready for this mind-blowing experience? Well, brace yourself because the sad eyes of these colorful fruit balls might break your heart! | Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/

    However, I must admit that the free version of Suika has left me somewhat conflicted. As I progressed through the game, I couldn’t help but notice the sheer sadness in the eyes of these fruit characters. The peach, the orange, even the dekopon – a seedless satsuma – all appeared downtrodden and dejected. I can’t help but wonder if the absence of their distinct features in the free version, such as the dekopon’s little nubbin on top of its head, has contributed to their despair. It’s a psychological mystery that I’m not sure I can handle for much longer.

    Delightful Fruits Await in the Proper Version

    Fortunately, there is a solution to this existential fruit crisis. The proper version of Suika offers much happier-looking fruit characters, and for a mere £2.69 (or $3 for our friends across the pond), it’s a small price to pay for the psychological wellbeing of these lovable fruit lads.

    The fruit table for the free version of Suika

    Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/

    Just take a look at the sorry state of these miserable lads in the free version! The orange appears to have been deeply wounded, while the poor dekopon and pineapple have been stripped of their defining features and forced into monotonous spherical skins. It’s truly a sight that can tug at your heartstrings. On the other hand, the strawberries seem to revel in their newfound symmetrical shape, and the cherries maintain their natural cuteness. The grapes, however, have a sleepy aura, like they’ve just awakened from a long nap…

    The Joy of Proper Suika

    A screenshot of the official Suika puzzle game

    Discover the true magic of Suika, where all the fruit characters are having a blast! Even the dekopon has its beloved head nubbin! | Image credit: Nintendo Life/Aladdin X

    Feast your eyes on the official Suika, where the fruit characters are all smiles and radiate pure joy! From the watermelon’s contagious excitement to the apple’s cheeky grin, this is the version that truly captures the essence of fun. The melon even seems blissfully ignorant of the complexities of its existence, embodying a carefree attitude that is downright inspiring.

    Now, you might be wondering why I became suspicious of these fruits in the first place. Well, take a look at that bright pink peach – it screams unnatural! And that toothy grin on the apple? It’s just too unsettling and leaves me with an eerie feeling. It’s as if they are hiding something beneath their soulless gaze.

    For the sake of these dejected fruits, it’s only fair that we support the delightful eShop version. Let’s give these fruit characters the happiness and authenticity they deserve. After all, Suika may not be the extraordinary Holedown, but it certainly holds its own in the gaming world.

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