
    Understanding the Root Causes of Unclear Vision in Game Development

    How Maintaining a Clear Vision Can Improve Game Development

    During the HR Summit in September, Graham McAllister, an organisational psychologist, delivered a captivating talk titled ‘Game vision alignment: Its role in team effectiveness.’ McAllister explored the significance of studios maintaining a clear vision of their games and how it can enhance their overall quality.

    McAllister, the founder of Player Research and TeamSync, emphasized during his presentation that a creatively aligned team is the most crucial factor for a studio’s success. He also discussed ways for studios to determine whether they are aligned and how they can rectify the situation if they are not.

    The Key Factors of a Successful Development Team

    McAllister referred to the Games Outcomes Project, a large-scale survey conducted among game developers in 2014, to shed light on what makes a successful development team. The survey highlighted that having a well-communicated vision is the most significant factor contributing to a team’s success. It outlined specific findings that emphasize this point, such as the need for team members to buy into decisions and for the studio to create an environment where risk-taking is encouraged.

    Interestingly, McAllister observed that many studios struggle with aligning their team on the game they are creating. He stated that inconsistent answers from different team members regarding the game’s direction can be a significant issue, leading to conflict and confusion within the team.

    How Game Vision Alignment Can Be Lost

    McAllister noted that game vision alignment tends to be lost when studios experience growth. As more people join the team, variations of the vision can arise, causing conflicts within the development process. McAllister highlighted external collaborations, especially when multiple studios are involved, as another situation where game vision alignment can become challenging to maintain.

    He also mentioned the influence of external forces like publishers and investors, which can impact the team’s vision. When the vision is not well-aligned within the entire organization, it can lead to various problems, including failed launches and a toxic crunch culture.

    The Consequences of a Lack of Vision in Game Development

    McAllister provided examples, such as BioWare’s Anthem, to emphasize the negative consequences of a lack of game vision alignment. He referenced a Kotaku report that unveiled the internal issues faced by the Anthem development team and how the absence of a clear vision contributed to the game’s unfinished state at launch.

    The lack of vision can lead to conflicts within the team and cause other detrimental effects, such as high levels of stress and failed launches. McAllister emphasized that addressing the root cause of misalignment, which is the lack of vision, is crucial for overcoming these challenges.

    Solutions for Game Vision Alignment

    McAllister acknowledged that finding a simple solution for game vision alignment can be challenging, as it primarily stems from human factors rather than industry-specific issues. However, he provided insights into how studios can start addressing the problem.

    Investigate the Causes of Human Error

    To address misalignment, studios should investigate the causes of human error within their teams. McAllister pointed out that leadership plays a significant role in setting the conditions for success. Leaders should prioritize vision alignment while building a new studio and take responsibility for aligning the team’s vision to avoid past failures.

    Address Communication Issues

    Language ambiguity often contributes to misaligned visions. Studios should address communication issues by recognizing that words can be interpreted differently based on individuals’ identities, cultures, and experiences. Effective communication is essential to ensure a shared understanding of the vision among team members.

    Implement a Shared Mental Model

    A shared mental model within the game design team is crucial for ensuring vision alignment. Studios should provide a framework for team members to structure their thoughts and share their individual mental models. This approach allows everyone to understand each other’s perspectives and work towards a unified vision.

    In conclusion, maintaining a clear vision throughout game development is vital for a studio’s success. It helps avoid conflicts, facilitates effective communication, and creates a focused player experience. By investigating the causes of misalignment, addressing communication issues, and implementing a shared mental model, studios can improve their game vision alignment and enhance their overall development process.

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