
    VG247’s Guide to Lethal Company Monsters

    The Most Terrifying Monsters in Lethal Company: A Guide for Survival

    Lethal Company Monsters Guide

    Are you ready for some spine-chilling action? Lethal Company, the co-op survival horror game developed by Zeekerss, has taken the gaming community by storm on Steam. This game, reminiscent of a horror version of Among Us, envelops players in an eerie atmosphere as they explore abandoned moons. Scavenging for and selling scrap while encountering a variety of terrifying monsters, Lethal Company is not for the faint-hearted.

    Outdoor Monsters in Lethal Company

    Baboon Hawks

    With their massive wings and colorful territory, Baboon Hawks may seem harmless. However, they should not be underestimated. While a lone Baboon Hawk poses little threat, a pack of them can quickly overpower you. It’s best to avoid them altogether.

    Circuit Bee

    Be careful when swarming nests of Circuit Bees. These small bees will attack and sting you if you get too close. Though they can be outrun, it’s wise to keep your distance and resist the urge to steal their nests, unless you want your team to face a buzz of trouble.

    Roaming Locusts

    Unlike Circuit Bees, Roaming Locusts are harmless. These swarms of locusts will scatter when approached, causing no harm. Feel free to get up close and personal without worry.

    Forest Keeper (The Giant)

    A towering giant known as the Forest Keeper lurks outside the facility after 5 PM. With a deceptive appearance resembling a tree, the Forest Keeper is highly dangerous. If spotted, remain hidden and make a swift retreat, as it can easily overpower and consume you.

    Eyeless Dogs

    These large eyeless dogs patrol moons at night, relying on their exceptional hearing rather than sight. They will relentlessly hunt down any player they detect. To avoid their fate, move silently and cautiously in their presence.

    Earth Leviathan

    Beneath the surface of abandoned moons, the Earth Leviathan, a giant earthworm, lies in wait. Sudden growls and tremors indicate its emergence, and you must flee as fast as possible. The Earth Leviathan preys on anything in its sight.


    Manticoils, resembling ordinary birds, pose no threat. These creatures will fly away when approached, uninterested in you or your crew.

    Indoor Monsters in Lethal Company

    Loot Bugs

    Watch out for the fascinating yet dangerous Loot Bugs. These bugs hoard loot and will become hostile if their treasures are taken. To avoid a deadly encounter, leave them be or face their fierce wrath.


    Hydrogere is a sentient blue slime that grows larger as it follows you through the facility. Prolonged contact will prove fatal, so steer clear of this malevolent creature. Although it moves slowly, caution is essential.

    Bracken (aka Flower Man)

    The Bracken, also known as the Flower Man, stalks players relentlessly. Recognizable by rustling leaves and a red, spiked body, the Bracken will attack when provoked or gazed upon for too long. Be wary of blood trails, as the Bracken uses them to lure unsuspecting players.

    Ghost Girl

    The Ghost Girl possesses a unique ability to haunt one player at a time. Only the haunted player can perceive her, leaving others skeptical of their sanity. Haunting begins with flickering lights and unsettling sounds, escalating to a chilling encounter with a small girl in a red dress. Escape is the only option, as contact with the Ghost Girl leads to certain death.


    Encountering the Jester is a horrific ordeal. Found on moons of higher threat-levels, this monster initially appears as a harmless and eerie Jack-in-the-Box. However, as it winds up, it reveals its true form with a skull for a head and a relentless pursuit of its victims. Prepare for a swift exit or face a gruesome demise.

    Spore Lizard

    Found within the facilities, Spore Lizards resemble large lizards but pose little threat. They are easily scared away and usually just give a warning bite and release pink mist rather than inflicting fatal wounds.

    Bunker Spiders

    Though not the most difficult enemy, Bunker Spiders instill a sense of dread. It appears their hostility increases when their webs are touched, making confrontation uncomfortable. To eradicate these creepy crawlies, a good old-fashioned beating with a shovel often suffices.


    Coilheads, resembling mannequins, only move when not being observed directly. These creatures can’t be killed, so your only option is to maintain eye contact while backing away slowly. Sacrificing a player to ensure the team’s escape may be necessary in desperate situations.

    Snare Flea

    Snare Fleas are agile bugs that will suffocate players once they detect them. Other players can save the victim by using a shovel or stop sign to interrupt the flea’s attack. However, killing it quickly after rescue is vital to avoid a repeated assault.


    Thumpers, with their peculiar appearance and thunderous arm movements, are formidable creatures. It is best to avoid them entirely, as they move swiftly. Running them in circles or fending them off with stun grenades and a shovel are alternative strategies, but escape should be the primary goal.

    Survival Tips for Lethal Company

    Monsters can strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest players. To increase your chances of survival in Lethal Company, consider these valuable tips:

    • Stick together as a team whenever possible.
    • Stay alert and listen for any unusual sounds or movements.
    • Utilize stealth and move quietly to avoid attracting attention.
    • Use the environment to your advantage, such as railings and cover.
    • Take advantage of distractions and diversions to create opportunities for escape.
    • Never underestimate the threat posed by any monster, regardless of their initial appearance.
    • Be prepared with essential tools, such as shovels or stun grenades, to defend yourself.
    • Constantly communicate with your team to coordinate movements and share vital information.
    • Keep an eye out for valuable treasures and scrap, but always prioritize your safety.
    • When facing overwhelming odds, a strategic sacrifice may be necessary to ensure the survival of your team.

    With these insights into the terrifying monsters and survival strategies, you are now better equipped to navigate the treacherous world of Lethal Company. Arise as a valiant survivor, conquer the challenges, and emerge victorious from this chilling experience.

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