
    Why CCP Continues to Pursue the Development of an EVE Online Shooter for 15 Years

    CCP Announces New Shooter Game Set in EVE Online Universe

    At this year’s EVE Fanfest, CCP, the developers of the popular space MMO EVE Online, revealed their latest game: EVE Vanguard. This shooter game is set in the same sci-fi universe as EVE Online and focuses on the adventures of mercenaries who drop onto planets to retrieve equipment and battle AI-controlled pirates and other human players. EVE Vanguard is reminiscent of popular games like Escape from Tarkov but with a unique twist set in the galaxy of New Eden.

    A History of CCP’s Shooter Attempts

    This isn’t the first time CCP has ventured into the shooter genre within the EVE Online universe. In fact, EVE Vanguard is their fourth attempt. The only previous shooter they released was Dust 514, a large-scale shooter exclusively for the PlayStation 3. However, Dust 514’s release just six months before the launch of the PlayStation 4 and its limited availability on consoles hindered its success. CCP also tried developing a PC shooter called Project Legion in 2014, followed by Project Nova in 2016, but both projects were eventually abandoned.

    The Development Journey of Vanguard

    CCP’s decision to create Vanguard came after they closed the Project Nova project in 2020. They recognized a need to reevaluate the direction and scope of their shooter game concept. The development of Vanguard initially started as a standalone shooter set in the EVE universe but without any connections to the main EVE Online game. However, the team later realized that competing with established games like Destiny would be a significant challenge. They decided to integrate Vanguard more closely with EVE Online, creating a unique gaming experience that only CCP could offer.

    The Challenges and Possibilities of an EVE Shooter

    Developing a shooter set in the EVE Online universe has been an ongoing endeavor for CCP for over 15 years. The challenge lies in finding the right balance between creating a compelling shooter experience and leveraging the vast lore and universe of EVE Online. The integration of Vanguard into EVE Online allows players to have a variety of gameplay experiences within the same universe. The FPS module provides a way for players to engage with EVE’s world in a different and accessible manner, without the commitment required for the main MMORPG.

    The Promise of EVE Vanguard

    Vanguard’s gameplay was well-received by attendees at the EVE Fanfest, showcasing the game’s core mechanics and the potential for seamless integration with EVE Online. CCP plans to continually evolve and expand Vanguard, learning from the failures and successes of their previous shooter projects. The upcoming First Strike event in December will provide players with a limited glimpse of Vanguard and serve as proof of concept. CCP hopes that Vanguard will offer EVE Online players a new way to interact with the universe and attract new players to their expansive sci-fi world.

    Key Takeaways:

    • CCP announced the launch of EVE Vanguard, a shooter game set in the EVE Online universe, at this year’s EVE Fanfest.
    • Vanguard marks CCP’s fourth attempt at developing a shooter within the EVE universe, following the release of Dust 514 and the cancellation of projects like Project Nova.
    • The development journey of Vanguard involved shifting the game’s focus, integrating it more closely with EVE Online and leveraging the strengths of the EVE universe.
    • Vanguard aims to provide a unique and accessible way for players to experience the world of EVE Online while offering a distinct shooter gameplay experience.
    • CCP plans to continue evolving and expanding Vanguard based on player feedback and hopes to attract new players to the EVE universe through the game’s integration.

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